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Journal pudge's Journal: More on Gregoire's Ill-Fated Sin Taxes 4

The Mackinac Center predicts that the cigarette tax will make half of all cigarettes illegally smuggled in to Washington State.

I don't know if that's true or not, but what I do know is that over half of Gregoire's proposed $605m tax increases are "sin taxes" (on candy, gum, bottled water, carbonated beverages, and tobacco); I know that these "sin taxes" will serve -- and are designed -- to discourage the behavior being taxed; I know Gregoire knows these things; and, therfore, I know that Gregoire's prediction of $345m in revenue from these taxes is dishonest.

I also know, by the way, that if our state hadn't abandoned Priorities of Government, they couldn't lie to the people and say they need these taxes to fund "vital services": they would have to be honest and say they can already fund "vital services" with the money they have, because PoG would require them to fund those things first. Instead, they choose to fund non-vital things first, so they can strengthen their case for tax increases for "vital services."

And while I'm at it, I also know that if Gregoire and the Democrats had kept spending to 10-15 percent in her first term, instead of the 33 percent we actually had, we would not have to raise taxes to fund anything today.

As usual, this whole thing is just long-term scheming to get bigger, and bigger, and bigger government. "Never let a crisis go to waste."

Cross-posted on <pudge/*>.

This discussion was created by pudge (3605) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

More on Gregoire's Ill-Fated Sin Taxes

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  • ...if Gregoire and the Democrats had kept spending to 10-15 percent...

    I assume that was a 10-15% increase. That still seems nuts, considering inflation, unless you had a lot of population growth.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

      Yes, 10-15 percent, over four years though. So not as crazy. But we had 33 percent spending growth over four years, which is just insane.

  • the cigarette tax will make half of all cigarettes illegally smuggled in to Washington State.

    Who or what will make the other half? Little pixies? Migrant workers? The cosine rule?

    The last time I saw a sentence like that was on a GMAT test - and it wasn't the right answer.

    • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

      Yes, it is English, and its meaning is obvious to anyone who read the link I provided (so either you didn't read the link, or you're just pointing out that the sentence is unclear on its own; fine, guilty as charged).

      In case you're still not clear, I was saying it would make "illegaly smuggled," not make "half of all cigarettes." A better, but not great, rewrite could be, "will result in half of all cigarettes in Washington State being illegally smuggled."

"The most important thing in a man is not what he knows, but what he is." -- Narciso Yepes
