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Journal Timex's Journal: Apple gear: My thoughts 8

[This JE is mostly a reaction to the front page article about the guys that got banned from the Apple Store (seemingly) because of their involvement in jailbreaking.]

I'm one of those people that drive Apple zealots nuts: I have an Apple IIgs that I will not part with. I have an iPod Touch. I used an Apple MacBook when it was issued to me by a previous employer... Generally, I can take 'em or leave 'em (well, except for the fore-mentioned IIgs). They're tools. That I don't fawn over All Things Apple, even though I have owned or used Apple products, is what drives the fanbois crazy.

The IIgs, as much as I love it, is outdated hardware by today's standards. I guess I keep it around mostly as a reminder of where I came from-- it's the last of the Apple II series, which was the first personal computer I ever laid eyes on.

The MacBook, that went back from whence it came when I was laid-off in December of 2008. No great loss. It did what I needed it to do very well, with far less problems than any Windows system gave me, and it has a unix variant OS underneath the hood to boot. Would I get one of my own? Maybe. I guess it would depend on what I was looking for at the time, and where I wanted to go with it. I really couldn't say with any level of certainty.

The iPod Touch, I got that for my birthday. It's a cool little device, for the most part. I'm only annoyed that I can't develop any apps for it (so far as I know), unless I have a Mac. Since I refuse to use "developing apps for iTouch" as a justification for a computer when I generally don't need another one (nor can I afford one at the moment), that means I'm kinda stuck.

I have no interest in jailbreaking my iTouch. I'm annoyed with Apple for being so anal about what they "approve" that entire classes of applications are refused out-of-hand. I mean come on... Do we really need another "big-boobs-on-sexy-women-you'll-never-meet app"? What poor soul has to wade through those things? Why can't a scripting language be developed for the iTouch that would be useful to do things (SNMP management and customized notifications come to mind), yet not have loopholes to do something potentially destructive? (I am assuming that this is the primary reason Apple refuses to allow any scripting/programming language on the iPhone and iTouch...)

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Apple gear: My thoughts

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  • (I am assuming that this is the primary reason Apple refuses to allow any scripting/programming language on the iPhone and iTouch...)

    That's probably part of it, I suspect that the real reason is that if they get x% of a $10 app that lets you do anything, they're losing money compared to x% of dozens of apps that do each little thing individually.

  • I have no interest in jailbreaking my iTouch.

    I don't know. The touch seems almost tailor made for SSH.
    • by Timex ( 11710 )

      I have an SSH client on there, so it's not a total loss, but if I have no access to Wi-Fi, then I'm stuck.

  • Okay, what's hooked up to your IIgs?

    I've got everything I could want except an accelerator. I've got a 4GB RAM expansion, Z80, stereo, HD floppy controller w/Apple FDHD drive, an AEHD+ 1.6MB floppy drive, Ramfast D, and an appletalkethertalk router.

    I also have an Apple IIc ram-expansion model with a C-Vue LCD display, unidisk 3.5, and lead-acid battery pack w/charger.

    • I think you win the internets. Nice work.
    • by ncc74656 ( 45571 ) *

      Okay, what's hooked up to your IIgs?

      I've got everything I could want except an accelerator. I've got a 4GB RAM expansion, Z80, stereo, HD floppy controller w/Apple FDHD drive, an AEHD+ 1.6MB floppy drive, Ramfast D, and an appletalkethertalk router.

      You meant "4MB RAM expansion," right? That's what's in mine. No high-density floppy drives, but I have a 4.3GB hard drive (picked up a Seagate Barracuda pulled from a server cheap a few years ago), a tape drive, and a CD-ROM drive hanging off an Apple DMA SCSI

    • by Timex ( 11710 )

      Okay, what's hooked up to your IIgs?

      Well, it's sitting idle in the cellar, largely because I don't have the space (or electrical support) to have it set up and running.

      For accessories, I have...

      • PC Transporter []

        The funny thing about this was Back in the Day(tm), I'd be calling BBS systems, and of course people would ask what comm program I used. I used Qmodem [], and when they "sold out" to Mustang Software, I shifted to {Commo} [] and never looked back. They would then ask what sort of PC I had, so they could stroke their own ego with whatever PC

No problem is so large it can't be fit in somewhere.
