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Journal zogger's Journal: Flugate investigations 12

There will be an investigation in Europe now over "flugate", what they are calling the golden triangle of the UN's WHO, big pharma companies, and some academics who profit from what big pharma makes.

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Flugate investigations

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  • Large profit potential: check. No oversight: check. Issue that's been around for years that we're suddenly supposed to be terrified about: check.

    When I was growing up, I never even heard about a 'flu vaccine,' and yet, somehow, I never knew anyone who died of the flu. Now all of a sudden, everyone is supposed to get a damn flu shot every year.

    Riiiiight. And I've got a rock that scares away tigers. Wanna buy it?

    • by chill ( 34294 )

      According to the CDC, on average 41,400 people died each year in the United States between 1979 and 2001 from influenza. Three influenza pandemics occurred in the 20th century and killed tens of millions of people, with each of these pandemics being caused by the appearance of a new strain of the virus in humans. Often, these new strains appear when an existing flu virus spreads to humans from other animal species, or when an existing human strain picks up new genes from a virus that usually infec

    • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

      I never knew anyone who died of the flu.

      In our time (even in mine) few people do die of the flu. Usually it's the very old or very young who do. However, read a little history and you'll see pandemics in the past that killed millions. There was one in the 1920s, but that was before my dad was born.

      Flu vaccines are relatively new; I was a guinie pig for them in the early '70s in the military. The military doesn't need FDA approval so they test crap out on our servicepeople (the government has always shit on

  • People with half a brain realized that there was nothing to worry about and proceeded to do nothing.

    It is B.S. to encourage government resources to be spent though. Government wastes enough money on its own, they don't need any help!

    • What's worse, to me, is that they utterly failed to deliver. Which means the people with only a quarter of a brain, like my wife and I, decided to be safe and get the flu shot- ONLY TO HAVE NONE AVAILABLE FOR THE ENTIRE PEAK OF THE SEASON.

      What good does a flu shot do me AFTER the season has passed? None at all.

      Flugate as a money maker? Complete fail- you need to have a product to sell to make money.

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    • How many people who take the vaccines still get the flu? Either "regular" flu or "emergency" flu, like the latest swine/bird/human flu strain? That's an off the wall question but I never saw any studies on it. And how much blowback or collateral damage is caused by the cure, example, the swine flu scare in the 70s had a lot of collateral damage from the vaccine itself.

      With that said, the point of the investigations is not whether or not a flu shows up and they develop vaccines, but how much emphasis is put

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        • So it is pro science to be against exposing corruption and unseen influences? That it's better to keep those pesky "laymen" in their place, those stupid grunting neanderthals, and tell them anything you want to tell them, and take kick backs for promoting policies that go towards enriching just a very few people really, etc, and label any of the "ignorant savages" concerns or questions about this or that as "anti science hysteria". "There, there little almost sub humans, we know what is best for you..trus

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            • by zogger ( 617870 )

              Just wth here? I never one time said that the flu wasn't a concern, of course it is, I can read stuff ya know, I follow this, I asked, where are the efficacy studies showing the vaccines they pushed as an emergency measure to the tune of billions *actually work*. That's it! Of course nasty infections can hurt people, just the big question was and is, how nasty, how much effort should have been put into it, and was the real science compromised behind the scenes? These are legit questions, and I am not in the

[Crash programs] fail because they are based on the theory that, with nine women pregnant, you can get a baby a month. -- Wernher von Braun
