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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: Troll, please 21

We've got to work on your accuracy here.
That was no mere 'avalanche'. It was an avalanche-tsunami-hurricane-earthquake-eruption-sinkhole-blizzard-sandstorm-asteroid shower of comments and JEs.
By which absurdist hyperbole I mean to adjure you to halt your lying fingers from further worsening the signal-to-noise ratio problem on /.

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Troll, please

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  • I have called you out in a great number of JE discussions of abandoning the topic of discussion in favor of attacking me. This time you launched a JE specifically to attack me (notably not remotely close to being the first JE you've written about me []), and in so doing this discussion attacking me is actually on-topic.

    I still would be more impressed if the other discussions actually returned to their original topics. I certainly am not holding my breath for that to happen, though.
    • I have called you out in a great number of JE discussions of abandoning the topic of discussion in favor of attacking me.

      The casual reader might be duped into thinking that you argue in good faith.

      • I have called you out in a great number of JE discussions of abandoning the topic of discussion in favor of attacking me.

        The casual reader might be duped into thinking that you argue in good faith.

        The only reader who would fall for your claim that I do not would be another one who buys in to your own faith-based arguments.

        • Or, anyone who's read >2 of your postings.
          • Being as the majority of what you have written in JEs this week has been directly attacking me - rather than actually discussing any topics relating to the JEs themselves - your argument again falls flat. If anyone is posting in poor faith, it would appear to be you. In fact, were it not for our past long ago, I would be inclined to suspect you as the best troll left on slashdot.
            • I would be inclined to suspect you as the best troll left on slashdot.

              I really can't hold a candle to you. Sadism just isn't a thing with me.

              • You easily take the cake for the title of "quickest to abandon the original topic and attack the opponent with an off-topic fact-free post".
                • Troll, please. []
                • Maybe you need to pick less boring topics...

                  • I am constantly astonished at how much I am able to force people - against their own will - to hit the reply button here on slashdot. I really wish I could use that power for good.
                    • :-) The topic is still boring... And it's a long fall from that pedestal you put yourself on.... You got something on your chin..

                    • I'm curious to know what pedestal you see, and what you perceive it to be constructed of.
                    • You put yourself on it. If you can't see it, maybe you need to lose some weight and see what's below the belly. Actually, since it is made out of shit, you might be sitting on it. Of course, since you hold yourself in high esteem, it doesn't make any difference anyway.

                      Now then, what is it that "forced" a response out of you??

                    • What brought me to respond to you was a curiosity of what you were trying to say. Why did you say what you said? Did you base it on anything in particular, or did you just sling words at the screen to see what kind of response they might bring?
                    • curiosity

                      Ah, good, then you know what brings me to your little two bit circus show.

                      And feel free to read anytime. Between you two substance free trolls, he is way ahead on style, grace, and respect. You need to face reality and accept that you have none of them, but you know which hot buttons to hit, so you get some points anyway, even if you only get low hanging fruit.

                    • two substance free trolls,

                      You and I don't agree on the meaning of "substance", there.

                      he is way ahead on style, grace, and respect

                      We don't agree on the meaning of any of those, either; unless you take his "you are forgiven" shtick and give him credit in all three of those for it. I will not make an argument based on faith alone.

                    • You and I don't agree...

                      Gee! Like I care!

                    • You and I don't agree...

                      Gee! Like I care!

                      Then what is your motivation for writing here? Why bother reading comments you don't care about and writing replies to them? Is someone forcing you to hit reply here?

                    • Cuz I feel it. I like to watch. Your trolls and lies complete me. That's all the motivation I need.

                    • That's rich, there. You are accusing me of trolling, when you are here championing for people to abandon democracy. If you don't like to vote, you could go live in a country where you won't be bothered by elections.
                    • And you could run for office as a conservative democrat. You'll fit right in. Lying is like breathing to you. It comes so natural. It's all good, man! Keep up the gag.

"Take that, you hostile sons-of-bitches!" -- James Coburn, in the finale of _The_President's_Analyst_
