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Journal Shadow Wrought's Journal: 700 Club Commercial additional dialogue 12

As I was watching the news this morning a commercial came along with a father and son walking around in nature. It was early and I wasn't really paying attention, but it was the epitome of the son asking dad a bunch of questions about things. I tuned in when the son asked the dad, "Will I go to heaven when I die?" The dad was startled and didn't have an answer. That's when the 700 Club logo came on and voiceover announced that the 700 Club could help you answer the "big" questions.

My own internal, Robot Chickenesque dialogue I projected onto the end of the commercial was thusly...
Son: "Will I go to heaven when I die?"
Dad: "Are you Haitian?"
Son: "Uh, no."
Dad: "Then you should be just fine."
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700 Club Commercial additional dialogue

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  • Nicely done! You'll be here all week?
    • Thank you! Thank you very much! I'm only as great as the disturbing images that Robot Chicken has forever etched into my conciousness;-)
    • You know what is weird about this? I simply do not know one single human being around where I live here who supports that dildohead. Allegedly, I should be in the thick of "robertson country", yet I don't know a single human who follows him. I know plenty of religious folks, but no robertson supporters. I think these TV "religion as big time rasslin' entertainment" idiots are going to fade away one by one, and not get replaced that readily.

      Of course, I think voodoo and santeria nonsense is also harmful and

      • After this, I'm not so sure Pat Robertson isn't voodoo/santeria.

        After all, I had NEVER heard that story about Haiti before he mentioned it, and even digging down into it on the net, the only place I found it was on voodoo and fundamentalist Christian websites.

        • the only place I found it was on voodoo and fundamentalist Christian websites.

          If one is to assume that Voodoo truly is the work of the Devil, and that Christian Angel's do in fact fight Demons on a regular basis as part of the interplay of a higher reality: do you think the cached portions of those website would be fighting deep within your computer?

          Yeah, I thought I needed more coffee.
      • I simply do not know one single human being around where I live here who supports that dildohead.

        That says more about you than your geography, really. Anyway, doesn't matter. Pat's where he's at today because he's a savvy capitalist, not because he has some uber-flock. Truth is, these guys can probably really count their diehard fans in the hundreds of thousands at most. The rest is profit-driven marketing. Kinda the same way insurance companies don't make their money selling insurance, but by sock
        • Kinda the same way insurance companies don't make their money selling insurance, but by socking it away in mutual funds.

          *sniff* It's like the last of the good guys is gone. First the lawyers, then politicians, finally bankers. I thought I could at least trust in insurance companies!

          In all seriousness, outside of defending child molestors, about the vilest job in the legal industry is Insurance Defense. Regardless of the money, that's one of the practices I could never do. At least child molestors
      • I hadn't heard that about the solar flares and such, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me. Definitely needs some looking into at a minimum I'd think.

        As for Robertson's "followers," I don't think they would be people you would necessarily know. I think his "flock" falls into two categories. Those who actually feel like he is preaching to them would be fairly insular I'd think. He's not exactly preaching an inclusive message. The other part, and probably the alrgest share, are those who simply identi
  • That and Venture Bros are about all I watch these days.

    Speaking of things I like, my first class taught by one of the local Sony Imageworks folks starts later today :-D

    • Go Team Venture!

      I am so excited for you with the animation classes. I look forward to seeing more examples and hearing more about the classes themselves (hint hint)
      • by nizo ( 81281 ) *

        When do the Venture Bros start up again??? I've been going back and rewatching old episodes; it is so easy to miss stuff, with so much parody going on :-)

        I dunno how much stuff I will be posting this semester, since one class is a python programming class for newbies (sigh, though I do want to learn python) and the other is... I'm not sure what it is yet. But it will be neat :)

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