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The Almighty Buck

Journal zogger's Journal: Chickens and roosts 6

Greg Gordon for McClatchy newspapers is doing a jam up job with these Goldman stories.

Low Mileage, a cream puff, only driven by an old lady on Sundays

Repo man

Goldman meets just needs to happen

Now what is intriguing to me is why these foreign buyers of over priced and under risked securities are just eating it raw. This is billyuns of bucks they got took for. What are they getting out of not complaining that they got burned with massive fraud? Just PR image or something, not want to be publicly embarrassed about being rookies?

Now inside the US, I know why no official complaints, Goldman owns the system, they aren't going to bust themselves, nor will their employees and drinking buddies in "government" do it either. I mean, maybe it will happen, let's see though. This is rather significant stuff to be ignored. And where is the left on this? I mean the grassroots? The "teabaggers" on the right are oft hooted at here, yet even back when the shrub dudes were still "in power", they were the ones who flooded congress critters offices with phone calls and faxes, etc and said DON'T BAIL THEM OUT. That was a year and some small change ago now. On the left at the control level, you have ..grayson and kucinich (and I like both those guys) bitching about these scumbags, that's it? And where are the mass left wing demonstrations against the bailouts and enriching the crooks at everyone else's expense? A few bussed in Union members is the sum total they can come up with at that bankers convention protest? Dang Vern, back in the day, sabre toothed badgers and so on, the Pleistocene, if my memory serves me still, "the left" could get hundreds of thousands out every other weekend.

What I am saying is, can it be time yet when we can see this issue of high level economic skullduggergy and gross corruption goes way beyond democrat/republican politics and it doesn't matter a single bit which of the two political gangs or which fearless cult leader is in charge, that they all suck and are crooks more than not? Can we, huh? Can we make a breakthrough here, at least on one little slice of the internet?

  Ron Paul's (and I like him as well) audit the fed bill just got "gutted" a dem. Why is this? Where is our "change", when do things get back to being honest and open (ha..ha...ha), and bad guys rooted out? There are a few thousand "terrorists" in ashcanistan, swell, hard to find, they hide in caves, dress up like goats, whatever... How about the same limited number few thousand tops *pure economic terrorists* who commute between NYC and DC, when do they get rooted out? House, majority D, Senate, majority D, executive branch, D. That about covers it, doncha think, how much longer is this going to be blamed on them "other guys"? It's a full year now since the first bailout, where's the real action? They don't *need* satellite surveillance and predator drones to find the domestic terrorists now, do they, so what's the "hold up"? (pun intended there) Like I asked before, why are these guys still in business, they make enron and worldcom look like amateur 7-11 stickup artists.

Any defenders of the great "progressive" side want to 'splain this, why no real action when you got ALL the power now, why it is just the same old junk, same old criminals getting away with it, same old dudes still running things? How long can you keep blaming it all on "Rs" anyway? Hell, those pirates are getting PAID the big bucks to get away with it, and it's record bonus time again, yaaa! Oh ya, they are thinking about "regulating' exec pay....well, that would be taken care of if those dudes were SITTING IN THE POKEY where they belong, again, doncha think?

Now, I am neither D nor R, I vote as split of a ticket as I can come up with and at least try to identify the half honest folks, that's the best I can do there. But tell ya, this partisan "our side smells like roses and their side reeks and causes ALL the trouble and we are pure as the driven snow" happy horsecrap I've been reading the entire time I have been on the net, since 95, has gotten way old. I think it is safe to say that viewpoint has been throughly debunked by verifiable happenings.

I have yet to see any credible evidence that either political gang is anything but mostly a criminal gang, and as such, I simply cannot support nor get very enthusiastic about any of this every two year or four year big election nonsense when they just keep swapping around the same crimes and we just keep exchanging one Don and "family" for another.

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Chickens and roosts

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  • Now what is intriguing to me is why these foreign buyers of over priced and under risked securities are just eating it raw. This is billyuns of bucks they got took for. What are they getting out of not complaining that they got burned with massive fraud? Just PR image or something, not want to be publicly embarrassed about being rookies?

    "When owe the bank $100, you're in trouble. When you owe them $100,000,000, they're in trouble"

    You write too much, otherwise you could have answered your own questio
    • As a country we just need to all stop paying our mortgage and credit card bills. but only if we ALL do it. I don't know that it would make things better, but it would make a for a memorable point in history;-)
    • ..doesn't fit the situation with the foreign investors who got took by being fed bogus data to base their investments on. Was this not clear? Sorry if it wasn't, or if I am still not understanding it. Of course I have heard that phrase, attributable to donald trump perhaps..

      They-the foreign investors- don't owe anyone anything *that we know of yet*, they got robbed by accepting instruments that had been erroneously given a much lower risk rating than they deserved. It was fraud, pure and simple. And I was w

      • ..doesn't fit the situation with the foreign investors who got took by being fed bogus data to base their investments on.

        Only if you truly truly believe they're rubes and not aware of the tilt of the playing field.
        • by zogger ( 617870 )

          Some folks got took, even higher level institutional investors, and got at least some of their loot back, and still some ongoing lawsuits. I am thinking a couple of state pension investment funds? Don'
          t recall, massachusetts maybe is one?

          I can't classify them as all rubes. And I am not at all familiar with the big foreign bank investors, just going by what I read, that a lot of them got borked. I mean, that's the whole point, tons of these places all fell down with accepting the convoluted collater

  • Somebody in Eastern Europe really needs to read this book- and learn how vulnerable merchant marine trade has made New York. (This is the children's novel that turned me against "free and easy international trade", both for the lesson in what free trade can do to local markets, the problem with intellectual property, and the utter lack of security a place like New York has against a low-tech army shipped there in a ISO standard 40' container (when the book was originally written it was a tramp steamer)).


Were there fewer fools, knaves would starve. - Anonymous
