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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: No wonder the Left foams at all orifices 168

Imagine winning three elections (one being a recall election that public sector unions poured thousands upon thousands of dollars into) in four years in the deeply divided blue-collar progressive Utopia of Wisconsin. Imagine breaking the back of the organized heart and soul of the Democrat party and dispatching AFL-CIO leader Richard "Morrie The Wig Salesman" Trumka back to the White House to show the President the "W" shaped scar carved into his forehead as a warning to anyone else who stepped foot in the state.

Imagine doing all this after Democratic state legislators fled for the safe harbor of Illinois to avoid voting on your legislation. Imagine having woken up every day to phone calls relating tales unionized shock-troops on your parentsâ(TM) front lawn and threats not only on your life but the lives of your kids. Now imagine having the real heroes, the brave national media, mock and ridicule you over this. Imagine accomplishing all of this while a partisan Milwaukee District Attorney authorizes the illegal invasion of the homes of your friends, supporters and aides, lawlessly confiscating private property, all while colluding with Lois Lerner and the IRS.

I happened to catch his announcement speech live on OANN yesterday. The Left will be invoking Cthulhu in most maniacal tones trying to call down some unfortunate demise on this Walker.

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No wonder the Left foams at all orifices

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  • Everybody denies the psychology that makes it happen. Very simply the man appeals to base instincts. He's not quite as good as Trump, but he can evolve. Actually he might be better. He wins elections. Trump never has...yet.

    • So, you don't think Walker's actual record in office of carrying out what he states is is purpose, and then having empirically positive results to show for doing what he says he'd do, makes any difference?
      • Like all politicians he serves his money, and indeed he is following through. Truly I am ambivalent about him. He has the approval of the majority of Wisconsin voters, so who am I to argue, right? Same bullshit on the national level. When they win, they win, that's it... But one of the better things about republicans is that when they say they're gonna fuck you, it's a promise they will keep! Since we know the democrats will also, they would get more respect, from me anyway, if they would just say the same

      • having empirically positive results to show for doing what he says he'd do

        Has the Kevlar Kandidate taken the actions that he said he would take? Unquestionably. Have they lead to the outcomes he promised? For the most part, unquestionably no. He promised thousands of new jobs, and yet the net change of jobs in his state is still in the negative during his tenure. He also promised a bold turn-around in the state's budget, and yet their books still don't balance.

        Action? Yes. Results? No.

"When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest." -- Bullwinkle Moose
