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This discussion was created by pudge (3605) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Schumer Admits He Doesn't Know What "Level" Means

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  • There ARE non-profit insurers out there (eg a couple of the blue crosses). What they mean by "non-profit" is "losing money and subsidized by tax dollars".

    Want a non-profit option? Modify the tax code to new charitable non-profit corporation with specific limits on the overhead allowed (ie 90% of donations must be converted into healthcare in some measurable way) and allow people to deduct TWICE their donations to it on their taxes.

  • I caught that bit on MTP as well. Didn't surprise me. It's classic Schumer. This is the guy who brags about "visiting" every county in NYS to rebut criticism that he only advocates for downstate interests. This is technically true, I think he spent 15 whole minutes in my county last year. Takes at least that long for the local media to get enough shots of the photo op. He's also the guy who votes for and advocates in favor of every single piece of gun control legislation that comes before the Senate,

    • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

      Could be worse, you could have Kennedy and Kerry, as I did.

      Cantwell and Murray are no great shakes, either.

      • by Shakrai ( 717556 )

        Ugh, Kennedy. Yeah, that would be worse. The last time I went to Boston my buddy's car got keyed and one of his side mirrors was torn off. Evidently they don't like the "my gun has killed less people than Ted Kennedy's car" bumper sticker there for some reason. Can't imagine why.

        I wish Schumer was the one that was down in the polls. Gillibrand isn't really that great but Schumer is much worse and Gillibrand at least has the saving grace of being from Upstate. I'd much rather see Schumer go down than

Computer Science is merely the post-Turing decline in formal systems theory.
