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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: Gun Fail of the week 9

A toddler was killed in Cleveland, Ohio, on Sunday afternoon when a 3-year-old boy accidentally shot him with a gun that had been left unattended in a home

Seriously, doesn't anyone give a shit about irresponsible gun owners?

neighbor Larry Simpson said of the family. "It's a shame this had to happen."

Apparently not. If this "had to happen" then apparently we have to have irresponsible gun owners, whose irresponsibilities lead to the deaths of innocent people.

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Gun Fail of the week

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  • What "cure" would you pursue? What amount of words on paper somewhere will be enough to ensure Bad Things Never Happen?
    Not to minimize the tragedy. It sucks. What I've yet to see is compelling ideas that are not cures worse than the disease.
    • What "cure" would you pursue? What amount of words on paper somewhere will be enough to ensure Bad Things Never Happen?

      Don't be stupid. You can't eliminate it 100%, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth trying to reduce it. The US has a vastly higher rate of per-capita gun accidents leading to death than any other country, and it is because the gun culture has convinced us that it is OK for innocent children to die randomly in these kinds of accidents.

      The way to prevent these from happening is to prevent people from being so stupidly cavalier with their weapons. A few things can be improved right away:

      • Mandatory backgr
      • Don't be stupid.

        Well, that obviates reading the rest of this, then.

        • If a preventable death were to ever hit your world, you would likely think otherwise. Or maybe even think about the issue, period. But go on, keep brushing off the discussion. Those kids wouldn't have voted GOP any time soon so they deserved to die, right? Death saves them from being indoctrinated into the Obama-verse.
    • What "cure" would you pursue?

      Well, we have to do something! How 'bout we attack Aruba?

      • I recommend, in the most strident terms, that we "take action". And a golf bag. To Aruba. Hear there are some rockin' courses and stuff.

If a thing's worth having, it's worth cheating for. -- W.C. Fields
