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Journal smooth wombat's Journal: Who would have thought . . . 5

more sex means less stress.

As a side note, and tangentially related, is it bad form if, when having your hair cut, you mention you saw a story about the business of high priced call girls and during the discussion, the cute, female cutter mentions she wouldn't accept payment for sex but will (and has) slept with people on the first night AND that she doesn't have a problem with two women kissing but does with two men even though it's still two people of the same sex kissing?

Is it also bad form to question why she won't accept payment from a stranger for sex and as you're paying your bill, ask her if she didn't know you, if she would sleep with your for X dollars and she says yes?
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Who would have thought . . .

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  • Go get some.
    • LOL! I figured that would be someone's answer.

      I can't bring myself to ask for two very good reasons: a) I'm old enough to be her father (literally) and b) I think it's rude to ask someone out when they are working. But that's just me. If I happened to bump into someone outside of work and they recognized me, then maybe.

      • Hmmm. I totally understand the work rule (although it's plenty breakable IMO), but the age rule is way more...bendy. A useful rule of thumb I discovered was the following equation. Divide your age by 2 then add 7. The resulting number is the "floor" for your dating age range. For example, at 34, dating anyone under 24 is where you start risking looking like a creep.

        Having said that, I've always firmly believed age is just a number. Hell, I've been 12 pretty much all my life.
      • by tqft ( 619476 )

        "and b) I think it's rude to ask someone out when they are working."

        But you could send a thankyou note for the wonderful hair cut to her at her work with your phone number on it.

  • I don't trust woman who refuse to take money for sex.

The first version always gets thrown away.
