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Journal WillAffleckUW's Journal: Why Slashdot User page sux and Pudge is a dork 8

Well, as everyone has noticed, the slashdot wrecking krewe must have drunk some more Bush koolaid cause they've managed to totally confuse everyone with their new panel and editing changes.

Instead of being able to post to your journal or browse friends journals in two clicks, it now takes four clicks at minimum.

And they added two panels to the left to show how neetsy keen they are, and what clueless n00bz they are at the same time - only a first year failing student of Business Management or Advertising would have done such a messy visually confusing mess as these dorks have.

I blame Pudge.


Because he lives in Seattle and must have gone nutso seeing his MSFT stock drop thru the floor while thinking Vista and Win7 was the best thing since robotic flame thrower equipped slice bread mangadroids.

How else to explain why they are such clueless noobz?

Oh, and if you have any more examples please reply to this journal entry - and if you're Pudge, have the courage not to post as anonymous cause it just makes you look even more n00b1sh.

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Why Slashdot User page sux and Pudge is a dork

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  • by damn_registrars ( 1103043 ) <damn.registrars@gmail.com> on Tuesday November 25, 2008 @05:03PM (#25891359) Homepage Journal
    ... but I suspect he's actually a mac guy. I noticed that these horrifically bad pages do render better in browsers in OS X than in anything else.

    That said, I don't think you'll get answers on why on earth this was done from either [slashdot.org] Pudge [slashdot.org].

    In fact it is more likely a political retaliation from Pudge. Since his political gods were crushed on the national level this election cycle, he may have just been seeking a way to impart misery on the rest of the world.

    Thankfully he is too lazy to do much beyond turning slashdot into a massive turd.
    • very insightful - wish I hadn't burnt all my karma up.

      Laziness is our protection, IMHO.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        I am one (of I suspect many) who opposes journal comment moderation. I have seen (and been subjected to) horrendous journal comment moderation - take a look at some of Scott Lockwood's comments [slashdot.org] to see bad moderation run amuck in the journals.

        Though I would be interested in knowing which part you found more insightful from my comment - pointing out the two [slashdot.org] Pudges [slashdot.org], discussing his mac-centric universe (mac-iverse?), or pointing out how damned crazy he is politically?
        • I would say the comment about laziness to be the most insightful.

          Not that I modded you on this.

        • If the purpose of moderation is to enhance the discussion by making good comments more visible and bad comments less so, then moderation in journal entries is pointless. Given the reality that moderation affects karma, and that karma affects posting ability, moderation in journal entries is as appropriate as moderation in any other discussion. If I wish to redress what I perceive as an unjust moderation, I will upmod journal entry comments because they are less visible, and less likely to provoke addition

          • Given the reality that moderation affects karma, and that karma affects posting ability

            I would see that as reason to not allow moderation in journal entries. It is not hard to find users here on slashdot who post almost exclusively in journal entries, and then almost exclusively in journal entries that came from their friends. So what is the benefit for the slashdot community in stopping people from posting in their friends' journal entries? After all, we all know that subscribers can restrict who posts to their journal entries, and non-subscribers can opt to just not allow posts to their

            • Yes, you're right about Scott being moderated more negatively than others who post as harshly.

              I don't have any great expectations concerning the "new" moderation system.

              In the past (3+ years ago), Railgunner wrote quite a few non-political journal entries. I read enough to be fairly certain that he lives in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Most of the other personal information that he divulged also rang true, though there was not a lot of it. I can't prove it, however, because those JEs have been deleted.

  • Mrs. Pudge's hairy pussy was all up in his face, which can be a huge distraction if you forgot your nose plugs, if you know what I mean.

In 1869 the waffle iron was invented for people who had wrinkled waffles.
