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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: Nebbishes Yearning for Truth (NYT) 26

Pravda on the Hudson decided to un-frack itself with its Gail Collins hit piece.
I don't really care if Slashdot's favorite dirty diaper un-soils himself on the subject as in this JE.
It would be fine if he manned up and repented of being a total crapflooder; I'd enjoy adult conversations with him, as he seems an intelligent person. But then, we're talking about a dedicated bile spewer here. The sort that yields to nothing less than full-on Divine Intervention. So let me pray for that.
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Nebbishes Yearning for Truth (NYT)

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  • You still don't accept President Lawnchair's birth certificate, yet you are not concerned what year the teacher was given this award - or what it was called.

    You insist that with a few more tens - or hundreds - of billions of dollars spent on investigations led by "the right people" you can find a constitutional reason to end the Lawnchair administration 10^-12 fsec early, yet you can't be bothered to see what the effects of County Executive Walker's budget had on the school system in Milwaukee and across
  • You don't suppose it might possibly reflect on his current modus operandi in any way, do you? Or perhaps his attitude toward the state educational system?

    Just the facts, ma'am [politifact.com]

    The layoofs and this are all fascinating topics of discussion, but irrelevant to me. He's a radical Baptist that forces state taxpayers to pay for teaching christianism in tax dodging 'voucher' schools [aclu-wi.org] and would never get my vote. Once again, the 'alternatives' you offer up are just more of the same old crap. Your endorsement of these

    • The Commies have already put more effort into investigating un-declared candidate Walker than they ever spent on #OccupyResoluteDesk.
      • It doesn't matter. Facts and investigations have no effect on an election. If they did, we would live in a different world. The people that like him will dig in their heels, like you and the others do with your Reagan/Obama worship. And besides, his religious radicalism is right out there in the open. The people that vote for that don't care how corrupt he is. He can still win just as easily as Hillary and all your other goofs. He is just another clone.

        :-) Sooooo.. everybody that disagrees is a commie now?

        • It doesn't matter.

          Well, that's one way to obviate all dissent.

          • Dissent to what? What is the issue?

            • How does the issue have any impact? You just wave "It doesn't matter" like a Wand of Dispel Everything.
              • Because it doesn't matter. People act on instinct and other natural forces. Facts to them are like humans walking around a Borg cube unnoticed by its inhabitants. I watch you people do this all the time. It's not even abnormal. It is so natural that you continue to deny that it happens even to this day, and to me, it's nothing more than something to talk about, like the weather. Really the only important thing these days is whether the Cubs will win the World Series before the Apocalypse You guys want your

                • Amusingly, you continue to behave as though life had some point, while both (a) denying the possibility of such, and (b) assuming a pose of tired wisdom.
                  But we've flogged both them ponies pretty dead already.
                  • No, I kill 'em and you keep on trying bring 'em back to life every time. You're entire shtick hasn't changed in ten years.

                    Life needs no 'point'. You needn't keep harping on that dead horse. Simple laws of physics sustain all.

                    • Simple laws of physics sustain all.

                      You are as a man who gets on the internet to deny the existence of HTTP.

                    • ?

                      You know, it does help if you make sense.

                    • Denying the clear sense of my point is one way of replying, if not responding.
                    • Well, let's see. I have to type 'http' into the address bar. And like your god and 'reason' it is man made. Where do you think I would doubt its existence? It's right there in ebony and ivory. 'Clear sense' of your 'point'? Clear as Mississippi mud...

                    • Let's go back to where you said

                      Life needs no 'point'. You needn't keep harping on that dead horse. Simple laws of physics sustain all.

                      The 'point' == http
                      Simple laws of physics sustain all == getting on the internet

                      My contention is that you can't really even evaluate 'sustain all' without at least tacitly accepting the existence of the underlying 'point' of life.
                      But we've previously circled this drain. I think you're either (a) trolling, or (b) a fool. And I really don't care which is the case.

                    • My contention is that you can't really even evaluate 'sustain all' without at least tacitly accepting the existence of the underlying 'point' of life.

                      I am telling you that your contention is entirely in error. You are only reciting the things you were taught to believe as a child.

                      There is no concept of 'purpose' outside of man's brain. It is a fleeting desire for those who are depressed. It is a crutch, extremely similar to your religions in general. Some of us are perfectly content without it. Our power co

                    • There is no concept of 'purpose' outside of man's brain.

                      Ah, so.
                      While I'm in agreement with you that there is no storage appliance anywhere in the universe where any state is kept to which you could point to as "purpose", that's not dispositive of the abstract concept of "purpose".
                      But the broader joke in play is here:

                      You are only reciting the things you were taught to believe as a child.

                      There is no concept of 'purpose' outside of man's brain.

                      You're not privy to all of the details of my life, which point to far more than rote recital of things I was taught.
                      But the bigger laugh still is that you're (a) claiming life is meaningless, yet (b) clearly affected by my rejection of your foolis

                    • You're not privy to all of the details of my life, which point to far more than rote recital of things I was taught.

                      Never said I did, you're projecting again. What you post here is mere recital. Maybe you believe in that stuff, maybe you don't. I'm simply taking it at face value, regardless of the motivation behind it. I heard it all before in catholic school myself.

                      Life is meaningless, by definition. The whole concept of 'meaning' is man made, not to say it is artificial or unnatural, because we still are

                    • Life is meaningless, by definition.


                    • All.

                      Meaning is created by the self.

  • I can still visit my neighbourhood McDonald's and get reasonably good coffee, free wifi, and my daily dose of S1E.

    Chunjie kuaile! Happy Chinese New Year!

Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future. - Niels Bohr
