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Fustakrakich, Call Your Office

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  • It started off sounding like a Conservative making some unfair statements about the Republican Party, only to be revealed to be a Leftie making obviously untrue statements about it, and otherwise spouting predictable Leftie angles. Sad, because there are many valid criticisms of the GOP (see: the (once hopeful) Tea Party movement). But one would have to get serious first, to talk about them. (Which implies honesty, neither of which one will get out of a Leftie*.)

    *Except possibly when you're alone with on

    • I don't know who Jay Cost is, but Ace of Ace of Spades HQ is reliably conservative. I had to look and see who posted that, if it was Gabriel Malor I'd agree with you more as Malor's more of a squishy moderate.
      • No, that was The Ace himself. Great chap, by the way.
      • Jay Cost makes a number of unfair implications:

        A) That pork-barreling is anti-Conservative, and the GOP is supposed to be Conservative, but when the GOP last had complete control, it pork-barrelled more than any prior Congress.
        1) The GOP is not a Conservative party, it's a neocon party, and big spending is not exactly incompatible with neocon principles, and
        2) Bringing home the bacon to keep getting re-elected is a fact of our system, and will always be a balancing act between limiting spending and stay

        • :-) Your faux extremism is duly noted. Looking for a Radio/TV gig? You gotta pump up the volume! The sauce is still pretty weak. It might help if you put some of that 'rage' up on youtube. You just might get a strike, you never know. Good luck!

          I like your friends, smitty.

If it wasn't for Newton, we wouldn't have to eat bruised apples.
