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Journal WillAffleckUW's Journal: I'm suspending my campaign for Ruler of the Multiverse 12

I figure if it's good enough for a Socialist like Senator McCain, why not?

After all, all this multi-tasking is so non-essential for running the Multiverse, and if you can't be an Elite and ignore the hostile masses yearning to break free from bondage, what's the point in being Ruler?

But you can still send me money. I prefer it in Japanese Yen, of course - the US dollar isn't worth much anymore.

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I'm suspending my campaign for Ruler of the Multiverse

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  • I am so damn glad that I own my home (not the bank, me. Paid in full.) So glad that I didn't play the .com boom/bust but put the money in savings until I had my 20% for a down payment. Fixed up that house and sold it for a $150k profit just before this housing bust. Now I'm done playing George Jetson pushing buttons all day. Now I install satellite systems and that keeps me from getting fat and lazy. Strange as it sounds, I had to work long and hard to afford a blue collar life style.

    • Personally, I'm glad I took half my profits from early dot coms (including Red Hat) and put them into my house and retirement funds, plus own my car free and clear (36 mpg).

      When I was 20 I made more than I do now, actually. At Tek Cominco.

  • Seriously, you guys are such skinflints!

The only perfect science is hind-sight.
