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Journal mcgrew's Journal: Stupid Tourist! 2

At an impasse with Voyage to Earth, I hacked out another short story today. Unfortunately, I wrote it in Open Office and slashdot refuses to preview properly; in preview it looks fine but when posted the smart quotes turn to garbage. So rather than pasting it here, I'll have to send you to somewhere less stupid.

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Stupid Tourist!

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  • ASCII ?...

    There are definite ongoing problems where preview won't update changes, and you won't see them until you post and reload. I don't care about the unicode thing, but this I don't understand.

    And apparently there appears to be layout issues at the moment. Page widths are kind of 'off'. I figure they'll get around to it.

    This place is still the most indelible that I know of. It's worth it just for that. But I don't expect it last much longer. It is already far more difficult to access old stories than i

    • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

      ASCII is fine if it's only going to be published at slashdot, but conversion is a pain in the ass I shouldn't put up with.

      It seems that slashdot no longer fixes bugs, but are trying to introduce more. Today I have a choice between a tiny font and a side scroll. LAME!

      I think the writing was on the wall over a year ago when they tried to shove Beta down our throats.

      I miss Taco, the place worked when he was here.

How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. -- R. Buckminster Fuller
