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Journal DisownedSky's Journal: The Disowned Sky - My Reviews 2

Just getting started on this. I'm still uncertain if I want to write reviews of music, but apparently I do these days. This will mostly be of the ilk: "I have this CD and I like it mucho." Outside of books, I really have no idea how to review stuff.

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The Disowned Sky - My Reviews

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  • Outside of books, I really have no idea how to review stuff.

    And you don't have to, IMO. If the internet has shown us anything, it's that we prefer our media and culture with a large dose of the personal. For example, there's a couple of reviewers on AICN who, to me, beat the pants off any traditional reviewer I've ever read. If you really have some kind of personal stake (whether for or against) the material you're talking about, that's all you really need.
  • Whenever the subject of music comes up and I try to describe to people why I like a certain song, I inevitably come back to Boston and tell people, "Their music has what I call 'roundness of sound'".

    I then use whatever song the person likes and try to compare that song to a similar type song from Boston to show them the difference. Usually they understand even if they still like the song and I don't.

    However, in the end, my review of music boils down to: a) the song sucks or b) I wish this came in intraveno

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