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OS 9

Journal angrykeyboarder's Journal: Mac OS 9 Diehard? 2

My sister has been a Mac user since 1988. She uses her computer all the time and notably in her business (she's a self-employed graphic artist).

She's pretty knowledgeable when it comes to computers. She's installed RAM and hard disks herself (unlike me).

However she does have some quirks. She's not keen on software or OS upgrades. Enhancements really truly have to wow her to be worthwhile. She's had been typically 2 versions behind when it comes to Adobe Photoshop (and that was pre-OS X) and hasn't upgraded her Word Processing software (WordPerfect for Mac) in years (and WP for Mac doesn't even exist anymore).

She bought her most recent Mac in 2003. What was the first thing she did when she got it running? She reformatted the hard drive and installed OS 9.

She hates OS X. She says "it's too much like Windows".

I've tried to explain it's closer to Unix than Windows (from GUI to guts), but she didn't buy it.

Only in the past year or so has she started using OS X (and probably not the latest version), but only for "some applications"(she dual boots). I'm assuming she's using it with newer software that's only written for OS X.

But there's the catch - "some" applications". She's still using stuff that was written for System 8...

Do you feel this way about your OS and upgrades? Are you by choice 2 or more versions behind?

Are you a Mac OS X user who misses OS 9?

Inquiring minds want to know...

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Mac OS 9 Diehard?

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  • ...that intentionally goes out of their way to remove OS X from their hard drive to put OS 9 in. For people unfortunate enough to buy a computer with Windows Vista, it's a no-brainer they'd want to put Windows XP back into their system, but OS 9? However, I can understand if she wants OS 9 because she doesn't want to pay to upgrade to OS X-only software, especially considering the cost of modern software like Photoshop.

    Saying OS X is a lot like Windows is a bit short-sighted, though, and it seems more li

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