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Senator Byrd

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  • Is race an issue in his calls for execution? Because I thought these liberals where tolerant people who were always against the death sentence. Why does Byrd favor the death sentence now?

    Clearly, Byrd is a racist.

    • by FroMan ( 111520 )
      That or his love for animals knows no bounds. *ugh* I think I'm going to be sick.

      It is interesting the amount of anger this generates, dog fighting. But abortion is a God given^W^WConstitution right which must be protected! I don't much care for the idea of dog fighting, but a human child means more to me than any dog.
      • but a human child means more to me than any dog.

        Me, too.

        Hard to believe mine's 10 months old already...
      • by Com2Kid ( 142006 )
        You know what, that f*cker is a, well, f*cker, but I have to agree with him on this one.

        Lynch the bastards! Let them burn in hell! Even better, lets burn them here and send'em to thell to burn some more, I'll light the bonfire myself if given the chance.

        But abortion is a God given^W^WConstitution right which must be protected! I don't much care for the idea of dog fighting, but a human child means more to me than any dog.

        No one is suggesting we take 5 year old children and ELECTROCUTE them to death.

        That i
        • by FroMan ( 111520 )
          I agree 100%. Turning these animals on each other is a horrible crime. However, so is the slaughter of innocent children every day in our country. There was once an innocent man they killed too, but far too many people cheered it on.
          • by Com2Kid ( 142006 )

            There was once an innocent man they killed too, but far too many people cheered it on.

            ? Which "they" are you referring to? Almost all groups of "they"s are guilty, just wondering which instantiation of "they" is being referenced. :-D
  • I didn't even get past the first sentence. "Cannibalistic"? Byrd is aware that he's not a dog, right? Or at least that Michael Vick isn't? Or is that as racist as it sounds?

We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
