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Journal ak3ldama's Journal: Beverage Poll 3

What beverage do you use to get through your day?
I used to drink coffee (heavily in the morning) but am now drinking Green Tea in sizeable doses.

If you read this please leave a quick reply as it would be interesting to see your answers. For those interested here is the latest /. poll that I found dealing with this. I bring this up because I am basically going through withdrawals, and have been for the last couple weeks as I cut back. Green tea has anywhere from 1/2 to 1/6 the caffeine. For me/us it's probably on the 1/6th side since we make our coffee strong and use light to medium roasts. For anyone thinking of cutting back - do it slowly! Trying to just quit 'cold turkey' is tough. I still have a cup if I need it, and I still drink Vault Zero, Mountain Dew, etc. I just want to give my heart some calm, and my teeth a chance to lose their stain. (ps, I have draink coffee since about the age of 12.)

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Beverage Poll

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  • And a cup of coffe in the morning, but that's more for the hot and sweet than the jolt, as I seem to be immune to caffeine.

    Nicotine, on the other hand....
  • ... and too much of it.
  • I have a half-gallon insulated mug that I fill with water each morning. I always finish it off and sometimes will have some more, too, but never more than a gallon. I also have a cup of coffee with hot chocolate mix stirred in and anywhere from 0-2 sodas. The sodas go in cycles though. So one week I won't have any and then the next I might have two a day, there's really no rhyme or reason to it.

    Weekends are different and I usually don't have anything in the way of caffeinated beverages, and I don't d

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