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Journal Rat_Hacker's Journal: What Life Comming To? 1

Have you noticed the world has become a more violent and scary place then what it was when my mom was a child. I often find my self pondering as to why this may be... I mean I am not quite sure about the video game blame, I think that was made to be an easy way out of trouble and I personally call it "Blame Shifting" Why? Becuase they can't take the responsibility of their action. I mean induviduals should know that games are NOT real and that what is fun and able to be done in games usually should not be done in real life, scratch the usually. They should just not be done in real life. It's not the game companies fault that some people can not tell reality from fantasy or have some psychological disorder that makes them a bit unstable. I mean where does it say "Steal a car. Go kill people it will be all right with the law in real life." Where does it say that in the game I've never heard it but I suppose it could be possable, but not likely however.
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What Life Comming To?

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  • the world has become a more violent and scary place then what it was when my mom was a child

    When my mom was a child, food was rationed, half the country was bombed to shit, it was OK to use racial epithets in open company. Women, even in the most enlightened of nations, were still fully second-class citizens, while minorities in those same enlightened countries endured treatment only slightly better than outright slavery. Having long hair and tattoos branded you as a social outcast, and all kinds of c

On the eighth day, God created FORTRAN.
