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w as a vowel

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  • They make a very similar error in their numerologoical "proof" that the Pope is the Antichrist. W isn't (unlike the English name for the letter) uu, it is originally vv. Listen to a German or Slavic speaker sometime in how they pronounce that letter.
    • Just to clarify something - that is not an official view held by the Seventh Day Adventist church. There are some nutjobs that hold on to that theory (which in my understanding was developed by Andreas Helwig several centuries ago), but I think that most protestant churches that have flirted with fundamentalism have individuals that believe it.

      Please, please, please don't equate the morons that buy anticatholic billboards with us. Most of us find them terribly embarrassing.

      Way off topic, and I'm sure nobo
      • Please, please, please don't equate the morons that buy anticatholic billboards with us. Most of us find them terribly embarrassing.

        I'll have to start a JE on it someday. Maybe the next time Benedict XVI decides to suddenly protect the Roman Catholic Sabbath? The last time that happened I was working in a company that was full of the anticatholic billboard type- and they were all deathly afraid John Paul II was going to pressure Clinton to bring back the old Sunday laws (when in reality, of course, they
  • Me people, you knows.

    Son o' Malvern.
  • Someone recently mentioned on the radio the vowels, "a, e, i, o, u, and sometiems y and w." I had no idea what they were somking with "w," so I am glad to find out that a couple words do exist and that its not some other funky new way of cataegorizing the English language.
    • by Talinom ( 243100 ) *
      The words are Welsh, which explains everything.

      It's spelled crwth [wikipedia.org], but is pronounced "bob." OK, I'm just kidding but still...

If a listener nods his head when you're explaining your program, wake him up.
