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Journal nocomment's Journal: Public confession 2

Ok, I really have to get this off my chest. I, am, addicted, to, work. I go to work on average 5 days a week, and spend roughly 40-45 hours a week doing.....this....despicable thing.

I don't want to.

I want to stop.

I....I just can't

Stop being an enabler by saying that's responsible.

I'm so ashamed of myself. I feel so dirty.

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Public confession

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  • I, too, show up for a thing called a "job", then go home to a place called a house where this woman known as "my wife" is there with my genetic offspring.

    Maybe we could form a support group? Something with a cool acronym and free punch and pie.
    • by ellem ( 147712 ) *
      *sob* It's much worse for me... I have, have... oh God... A CAREER!!!! There I said it... *sob*

Vax Vobiscum
