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Journal SiliconJesus's Journal: MEME ala Short Circuit 4

1. What is your occupation?
Sr. Unix Systems Engineer

2. What color are you socks right now?

3. What are you listening to right now?
CPU fans

4. What was the last thing that you ate?
4 sausage links and toast

5. Can you drive a stick shift?

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Death Black

7. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
My mom

8. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
I saw it posted a few times, and I generally like those who have posted it (I DO have them friended afterall)

9. How old are you today?
30 years, 2 months shy of 31

10. Favorite drinks?
Snapple Apple, Mt. Dew, Sweet Tea.

11. What is your favorite sport to watch?

12. Have you ever dyed your hair?
I've got highlights, does that count?

13. Pets?
Two cats. Solaris (overweight Orange Tabby) and Ash (Black Tabby with a nerosis)

14. Favorite food?
Chicken, apples, Indian.

15. What was the last movie you watched?
Watched Van Helsing last night on TNT

16. Favorite holiday?
Fourth of July. All of the family togetherness, with none of the Christmas / Thanksgiving stress.

17. What do you do to vent anger?
I play video games.

18. What were your favorite toys as a kid?
Video games, transformers, Construx.

19. What is your favorite: fall or spring?
Fall. Apples are in season and I LOVE apples.

20. Hugs or kisses?
Yes please.

21. Cherry or blueberry?

22. Do you want your friends to send this back?

23. Who is the most likely to respond?

24. Who is least likely to respond?
Cowboy Neal

25. Living arrangements?
3500 sq ft house, 4 bedrooms. Wife, son. Twins expected in February / March.

26. When was the last time you cried?
When I found out about my impending financial ruin (twins).

27. What is on the floor of your closet?
Shoes. Sock baskets. Winter scarves/gloves/hat basket. Clothes I intend to throw away but never get around to.

28. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you're sending this to?

29. What did you do last night?
Played Wii. Bowling and golf mostly.

30. When's the last time you hit a pot hole and fucked up your tire?
Uh, 2004. My Avenger, and the super nice hot white rims I had mounted only a few months before.

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MEME ala Short Circuit

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  • by blinder ( 153117 ) *
    so you have to admit that the actor that turned in the best performance on van helsing was the crossbow? right? i mean, come on!

    could that vampire guy over-act any more? no, probably not.
    • Am I the only person that actually enjoyed Van Helsing?

      I mean, it was kind of like watching a Castlevania game as a movie. Until the Castlevania movie comes out anyways.

      and kate beckinsale looks really hot in that movie, as opposed to pearl harbor where she looks really not-hot.
      • by blinder ( 153117 ) *
        heh actually i think a lot of people liked it... just solemn and i? yeah, its one of our "joke" movies... which actually is being replaced by bloodrayne (that movie is just amazingly funny) i mean at least van helsing had the cool crossbow... bloodrayne? nothing!
  • The first time I rode in an avenger was in college. I was REALLY drunk and this girl said she would take me home. I asked if she could drive a stick and she said no, but she'd drive me in her car and bring me to pick up mine in the morning. (hint hint) So we get in her avenger and I looked at the dash and said, "I thought we were taking your car?" (They used the same dash as my 95 eclipse.) :-)

Get hold of portable property. -- Charles Dickens, "Great Expectations"
