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Journal ellem's Journal: [Jihad] BTLZU2 Is Right! 9

BTLZU2 is right!

The time has come for all who stand behind Santa to destroy those that do not follow his ways! No more shall we allow Santa to be unbelieved. BTLZU2 is right to call for the death of all those that do not believe!

Join us in the slaughter of the non-believers! The corridors of malls will flow with the blood of non-believers.


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[Jihad] BTLZU2 Is Right!

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  • Find a helicopter and I will fly. No problem. Need to clean up the shotguns and get some slugs and buchshot.

    Um, oh wait, I thought we were going flying deer hunting. Sorry, was reading too quickly for my little brain.
  • now, i don't want you going and forming a btlzu2ianity religion here. i never asked for that.

    ho ho ho! merry christmas and if you don't like it, i'll chop you up and feed you to rudolph!
  • and I believe her, if anything I do or say will cause my daughter to stop believing in his Beardedness
    • by rk ( 6314 ) *

      My son is 14 and though he almost certainly doesn't, he still maintains his belief in Santa Claus. He's given up asking me questions about it though:


      "Yes, Nick?"

      "I don't understand how Santa can deliver presence to that many kids in one night."

      "That's because Santa already researched 'Temporal Mechanics' a couple hundred turns ago."


      He probably maintains he believes because I tell him that once I hear he doesn't, all he gets at Christmas is socks and underwear. Now he can also look f

"Look! There! Evil!.. pure and simple, total evil from the Eighth Dimension!" -- Buckaroo Banzai
