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This discussion was created by Red Warrior (637634) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

OK. I give up.

Comments Filter:
  • Don't give in to the Dark Side. WoW is the debil!
    • What he said. I've sworn off MMORPG. First you pay $50, then you pay like $15 a month... By the end of the year, you've paid well over $100 on a game you may not play all that much... and if you do, you'll be frustrated as hell, cause you only can get so good, then get stomped on by teenagers that spend 12+ hours on the game every day...
      • by blinder ( 153117 ) *
        well except if you don't play on a pvp server.

        and if you have just a little bit of self control mmo's are no more "addictive" than anything. i play wow. i probably log in about 3-4 hours a week.

        oh wait, that's right. alarmism is the new black.
        • and if you have just a little bit of self control mmo's are no more "addictive" than anything. i play wow. i probably log in about 3-4 hours a week.

          You know I'm not big on alarmism, but this sentence is my point. You log in 3-4 hours a week. That's 12-16 hours a month. You are paying abour $1 an hour to play the game, and that doesn't count the initial cost. I play online games all the time with my friends, but I play them on servers that don't cost me a dime, so I'm only paying additional costs.
          • I was being funny. I think blinder's point is that there are free servers out there. I'll be running a free UO shard soon. Well, I'll be supporting it. Methinks "Lady Abigale" (one of my girls) will be running things.
            • Ugh, I did that with MUDs (MMORPG before there were MMORPGs)... ran one for a bunch of female friends... ended up a nightmare... maintanence for little reward...
      • First you pay $50,

        Close enough.

        then you pay like $15 a month.. ... which is 50 cents a day. I can (and do) afford that.
        • Well, I play games that cost me $0.00 a day after initial cost, that I enjoy playing everyday. Some even let me play on servers with friends.
          I refuse to play a game that I start by paying the full amount of a game, then have to pay a monthly fee. How much money do you spend a year on paying a MMORPG? About enough for 3 more games??

          As I said to blinder, though, if you got the money to blow, knock yourself out...
  • there are "huzzahs" going on over here. And rumblings about invitations to a guild and offers of help to level you.


    • by Talinom ( 243100 ) *
      there are "huzzahs" going on over here.

      I second that. Ha ha!
      • Allow me to formally invite you both to the guild. (I'm the GM.)

        Yeah. We can help y'all out.

        Gilneas server. (This will be important.)

        Play nice, play fair, and have fun. Contact me when you're ready to start and we'll get you squared away with gear, bags, and the stuff you need to make it not annoying for the first 25 levels. :) We have welcome packages.... even if you opt not for the guild.

        It will also let me run the basics of guild info by you- we have an informal auction system (two auction toons) and a
        • by Talinom ( 243100 ) *
          Does this mean I've been drafted?

          [cue Hogan's Heroes theme]
          Bum bum bum bum bum bip bu bu buum...
        • OK, so I've killed some kobolds. Now what?
          • Gilneas server? Now you send me an email (IRL) and we make a specific time to meet up, and we bring you into the fold and start levelling you. :)

            I'll be on about 5 PM my time today, until whatever time you need.


    • by turg ( 19864 ) *
      offers of help to level you

      Are you saying that RW is unbalanced?
    • by blinder ( 153117 ) *
      heh yes... there is a certain special little guild that really knows how to bring along new players :)

      i'm sure an invitation could be arranged :)
  • On Agamaggan. And use an obvious nick so I can hunt you down and kill you.

He who is content with his lot probably has a lot.
