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Journal Red Warrior's Journal: It ain't the things you don't know 14

it's the things that you know that just aren't so.

Population Representation in the Military Services -2002

Just a link for the next time some idiot (hey Kerry, looking at you) decides to tell you about who makes up the US military.

I think Kerry's origional unedited comments should be given wide distribution. In fact, I think they are so important, that the RNC, in the spirit of bipartisan cooperation should by TV ads to get out Kerry's message. Without comment. In all its origional glory.

PS - Hey, dipshit, there isn't a draft anymore. People don't need to go to college to avoid military service.

This discussion was created by Red Warrior (637634) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

It ain't the things you don't know

Comments Filter:
  • I wonder if it's too late for the democrats to lose the election.

    Really, all they have to do is just shut up and they will win.

    Just. Stop. Talking.

    If I'm reading this [] right, the College Experience for enlisted across the entire DoD is 10.4% versus 18-to 44-Year-Old Civilians 56.2%.

    This makes me wonder:
    How many of those who serve go on to college? Is it a higher or lower percentage that those who did not serve?
    Out of the 18 to 44 year old civilians, how does it break down between veterans and others?
    • Well, that stat is... odd.

      What is "college experience"? For the Air Force (Note that the AF has 87.8%), it is 15 credits. For the other services it is an AA degree. What metric they used for the civilian population? "attendance, full- or part-time, in any 2- or 4-year college or university in a class for which credit may be applied toward a degree.".[from the footnote] So - attendence in ONE class.

      Now, with admittedly insufficient data, I am willing to bet that were apples to be compared to apples (such as
      • Meh, I don't agree with the Democrats much, but I also think it'd be a good attention grabber for all involved to have them take some seats. Perhaps then some of the other republicans will start to behave, you know, republican.

        Besides, with different parties in control of different branches, less will get done. IMHO, the less congress gets done, the better for us.

  • Moo (Score:3, Insightful)

    by ncc74656 ( 45571 ) * <> on Tuesday October 31, 2006 @02:48PM (#16661959) Homepage Journal
    Was there some announcement about the FireHose page [] that I missed? Apparently there's now a mechanism for influencing the editors' story choices; I ran across it while updating my sig.

    Search the page for "Kerry" and you'll find an unpublished story about his latest bout of verbal diarrhea. Click the little "thumbs up" icon and it stands a slightly better chance of getting posted.

    • Very cool. I've seen a couple of JEs mentioning "firehose", but I assumed (with all that entails) that it was some software with which I wasn't familiar.

      I haven't seen an announcement otherwise...
  • by rk ( 6314 ) * on Tuesday October 31, 2006 @03:14PM (#16662405) Journal

    But it blows my mind that the Democrats cannot mount an opposition any better than "We're not Bush!"

    Someday, maybe, there will be a viable political party for fiscal conservatives. Neither of the current two are it.

  • I mean hell, you don't see the 11 series populated by PH.D's. It's quite a challenge to motivate folks to "take that hill", especially after they get their heads all full of there book larnin'.

    For what it's worth, simple minds are easily diverted. And I'm not talking about the Joes.

    Oh well, something for folks to get spun up about.

    • The big deal is that it's not true.
      As taking even a few moments to look at the statistics will show.
      Such as the ones I linked to.
      And that's ignoring the fact that there is no longer a draft.

      If I didn't know better, I would think you were both mad and a poster.
      But I do know better.
      You're not a poster.
    • While I agree with you in principle, are you commenting on the D's tendancy to steal defeat from the jaws of victory, or just Kerry in particular? :-)
  • This entire COUNTRY is retarded.

    Trying to point out which fractions are more or less retarded than other fractions is just an exercise in (further) stupidity.
    • :-)

      Cat got your tongue? (something important seems to be missing from your comment ... like the body or the subject!)

Saliva causes cancer, but only if swallowed in small amounts over a long period of time. -- George Carlin
