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It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Red Warrior's Journal: That's why he's the goddamn Captain. 9

Yes, it is perfectly reasonable that Kirk had the know-how to make the gunpowder and put together the bazooka to defeat the Gorn. That's why he's the goddamn Captain.

Of my entire cubicle, I am the LEAST trekkie...

Very tangental, a while back, someone made a post linking to a cartoon along the lines of "next time, I'm not going unless they make me a Major". I can't find where it was now. If 'twas you (or you just have a freakishly good memory), please repost...

This discussion was created by Red Warrior (637634) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

That's why he's the goddamn Captain.

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"Elvis is my copilot." -- Cal Keegan
