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Journal robi2106's Journal: Online Presence Liabilities 26

Other slashdot'ers have been bitten by their journals affecting their personal or work lives. I haven't, but that isn't to say that it cannot happen. An extenuating circumstance for me is that my position at work provides access to potentially useful information. Useful for possibly the wrong people.

So I was wondering what the general feeling is about nuking journals? Doe you do it? Would you get pissed if someone did? Would you care if _I_ did? Should I care that you care? If everything I have journaled on /. just disappeared, would that be a bad thing? Can retaining too long of an online history be a dangerous liability? If not to me, then what about my wife or kids? Am I being paranoid? You get the picture.

Along that vein, are there any good scripts out there to harvest my online presence and preserve it personally, before a execute "The Great Nuke"?


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Online Presence Liabilities

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  • Yeah, I just wrote how I've been doing this for five years...
    In each of my journals, you will not find the place where I work (or have worked), nor the name of my wife and other things of this nature. I'm very careful of what I write just in case anyone I know reads it. My brother and some coworkers stumbled onto it, but there was nothing for me to hide in it.
    So even though I've written in it for 5 years, I've spent time on each one to make sure what goes in it is ok for full public consumption.

    As far
    • That is exactly waht I was looking for. I even remember LP writing about that but it was a while ago so I forgot about it.

    • that grabber works like a charm (Thanks LP if you are reading this). Still doesn't grab comments which are what make a journal useful. Oh well. Slick tool in any case.

  • One due to exceptionally nasty trolling. Incidentally, about the time I went to a default of "no foes".

    Almost all of the rest due to including information of an identifying nature of some third party. Especially when discussing my "concientious objector".

    One or two for including information that I decided, while NOT classified, should be "close hold".

    I think that as long as it isn't done so as to "cover one's tracks" in an ongoing flame war[1] it is fair game. I would PREFER (but not think I was entitled to
    • My concerns stem from now running a web site with all the usual whois info available to cause problems (not all my contact info, but much of it).

      I don't want to loose some of the comments from my journal,s but at the same time.... I am must weigh their utility to others against good common sense need to know and few people need to know.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Your responsibility is to your family far more than to us. If you feel like something in your Journal could impact your ability to support your family properly, nuke away!
  • Fuck us readers/posters; we don't matter if what you find could in any way be used againast you. I nuked mine a couple of months ago. The circlers who took even a few seconds to read my drivel or to ask in email know why. They also know that nothing they, nor I, have written here is worth jeapardizing things in meat space.

    To those who don't hink they've written anything that could be used aginst them, think again. I had similar feelings until I found out what can abe twisted and in what maner.

    LJ had a ascri
  • But I understand why some people have done it. I'm not sure that anyone has actually been bitten by it, though. At least four people have taken preventive action.

    It's absolutely your right to delete them if you wish. But in addition to deleting the information that could cause problems, you are deleting your history with the community. And what other people have written in your journal entries. So I don't think that it's something to be done lightly, or without warning (as a matter of courtesy).

    You can
    • I don't like the idea either, especially because the responses and thoughtfull comments are the REASON to have a journal (in my opinion, otherwise it is just a soapbox and nothing more). I have been considering a great nuke for about 2-4 months, so this isn't something I consider lightly.

      Unfortunately editing specific journals isn't an option since I have hundreds of them and the aggregate is what I am worried about.

    • I got threatened with a lawsuit and having a stop payment put on my last paycheck (over $10k) at a contract company because my manager was a racist bastard and I wrote about it. Even though I never mentioned the company name and there are thousands of people with the first name "Jason" in ATL and nothing I wrote could be considered libel, I deleted it. If he had stopped payment I could have sued for breach of contract. I had completed the work, and not paying someone for services received because you don
      • Not hard to understand that deleteion, though it would have been interesting to read. :-) I would have been very tempted to save it for after the check cleared.

        And of course deleting one JE is somewhat different from deleting all of them. Some people do need to erase their history, but we are all the poorer for that necessity.
        • A few people read it, and I know that at least someone out there has a copy of it. IF you look at the replacement JE, someone commented that they had saved a copy before I deleted it. My purpose in writing it (since I knew he was reading my JE) was to piss off my old manager and let him know that I saw right through him and I didn't like him. THe only angle I hadn't considered was that he was such a hothead that he would risk his best friend's company by breaching the contract and dragging this into cour
  • all this looking back in time brought up one of (if not my only) submitted and apporvied articel posting. Yay me. 213204 []

  • I wrote a JE about having a date with a girlfriend last June or so, and she went nuts. I deleted it at her request.

    I won't discuss the aftermath of that relationship in plain text, gb nibvq grzcgvat ure gb ivbyngr gur yrggre zl ynjlre frag ure gb unir ure fgbc pbagnpgvat zr...
    • by gmhowell ( 26755 )
      gb nibvq grzcgvat ure gb ivbyngr gur yrggre zl ynjlre frag ure gb unir ure fgbc pbagnpgvat zr

      It's just her way of showing she loves you.
  • by turg ( 19864 )
    It's pretty much been covered:

    They're yours to do what you want with.

    But do take others into consideration.

    But people you encounter IRL are more important that people you know only online.

    Archive them.
    • But people you encounter IRL are more important that people you know only online.

      I think it depends on the people. There are people in the circle that I would love to have around IRL, just because ...

      Nuking it because of personal info? If you look in my journal, there's a LOT of personal stuff ... I mean REALLY personal. And posted under the name I was born with, not an "online handle". All they would have to do is google for "tomhudson" and click on pretty much any link, then click on the journal l

      • by turg ( 19864 ) *
        I think it depends on the people. There are people in the circle that I would love to have around IRL, just because

        Yes. But people IRL who you love to have around (and who seem to like being around you) are much harder to come by than people you meet in an online community who you'd love to have around. (Hm. That can come across wrong if "you" is read as meaning tomhudson in particular :-)
        • Well, there are one or two people IRL who I make uncomfortable (they have issues when dealing with my issues, for example :-), but in general I've found it easy to go into a group of people I don't know, and make friends.

          Maybe that's a side-effect of being me ...

"You don't go out and kick a mad dog. If you have a mad dog with rabies, you take a gun and shoot him." -- Pat Robertson, TV Evangelist, about Muammar Kadhafy
