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Journal banky's Journal: Worthless asshats, 2006 edition 12

Good lord, is it just me, or is George Allen's stupid face just so eminently punchable? He just irritates the fuck out of me.

I had a thought the other day, that the single best way to fix politics is require every candidate to campaign on a single statement: say, 250 words max, and you cannot mention your competitor.

can you even IMAGINE what politics would be like if every candidate had to carefully elaborate their POSITION ON ISSUES, and not run a series of spin-and-attack ads?

No celeb endorsements. No moving imagery. 250 words; about double the length of this post, at of this sentence.

I honestly can't think of any candidate running now who is really worthy of the job: right, left, center, they're all fucking worthless.

Even when I agree with them... it's becoming like they're "pre-tainted". OK, yeah, today, maybe I do actually agree with Webb on some issues. But I ask you, how long before he's a broken man, beholden to either special interests or The Party, required to support things I *don't* agree with in order to get some token legislation passed?

(This is why I don't like to vote Republican right now: As a member of the libertarian fringe/wing of the right, and extremely socially liberal - i like to think of it as 'pro-liberty' - the interference of the American Taliban in constraining individual liberty for the glory of the invisible man in the sky angers me)

Anyway, they're all worthless fuckheads. If elected, I would dissolve the government, and demand a reboot. No one currently in office can be re-elected; it's time to try again. For every fat-fuck-Kennedy, there's a douche-bag-Frist. I can't even distinguish them any more. It's an asshole who works (as in, "does the job for which they are paid") about 90 days a year. The rest of the time it's convincing the idiots they're good for another 90 days.

Can you imagine what america would look like, if we rebooted? Got rid of "But clinton ..." "But Reagan ..." "But Carter ... " "But Nixon ... " "But Kennedy ..."? Got rid of PNAC and Soros and PLEASE GOD, Barbara Steisand? If Fat Fuck and Stewart Smalley had to shut the fuck up for once?

If people had to simply and carefully represent their positions, and then live up to their promises?

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Worthless asshats, 2006 edition

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  • Sorry to do this, but in my defense, I was up until 6AM last night polishing up the latest web project, and my morning roundup of blog posts and media articles was a little less OMG PONIES!1!! than usual today.

    Besides, your skin's what? About a mile thick? Should be fine...but

    If people had to simply and carefully represent their positions, and then live up to their promises?

    What the hell is it with all these idealistic JEs lately? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy as fuck we're able to think lofty
    • by banky ( 9941 )
      I am, for the record, neither fair nor balanced.

      I have, for the record, seen Yentl in its entirety.

      I am disenfranchised, and unhappy; I believe, strongly, that the American system of politics is for all practical purposes dead. It is a ping-pong match of money and adverts.

      Not to mention in "one of the most important electoral referendums the world has ever seen" I can't even trust the voting machine to accurately record my vote. I was involved with the first generation Votronic from first principles, I happ
      • On both sides.

        That's where the problem starts. There's only one "side", they just vary the paint colour. And I don't mean to understimate your intarweb-fu, but maybe you need to explore a little more? Case in point: I was recently introduced to, which can be a bit of an eye-opener for a hardcore lefty such as myself, but I'm still willing to learn some things.

        I'm tired of having to defend my economic beliefs to my lefty friends

        But we leftys, rightly or wrongly, see your econom
        • by banky ( 9941 )
          And I don't mean to understimate your intarweb-fu, but maybe you need to explore a little more?

          I've come full circle so many times i've barfed. I have explored, clicked, read books and web sites until my eyes felt like boiled onions, listened to every bit of the political spectrum I could get my poor, punk-rock-damaged ears upon.

          I have read much of Sometimes I even agree.

          But we leftys, rightly or wrongly, see your economic beliefs as social ones, so you're argument's fuxored from the start
          • by gmhowell ( 26755 )
            I'd be happy to take wifey's job at the Dept. of Doing Nothing is Safer than Doing Something.

            I'm not proud... Or tired.
  • I used to be convinced she was the Anti-Christ, but the Anti-Christ is supposed to be well liked.
    • by banky ( 9941 )
      She's on her 8th farewell tour or something? Or am I thinking Cher?

      And if I'm thinking Cher, DEAR GOD WHY
      • I don't know. But in both cases, I don't call them Farewell Tours, I call them Good Riddance, Now Shut The Fuck Up(TM) Tours.
      • Banky, were you fantasizing about Cher's sixth farewell tour when she was wearing that tiny, black, thongish unitard that was mostly see-thru, and dancing around the big 16" guns of a battleship? If not, are you now?
  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    Great [] minds think [] pretty much alike []! :-)
  • Don't punch him in the face; that thing on top of his head might leap down and eat your arm.

    Just go for the cock-punch. Given republican tastes, you may be saving a page years of therapy.

"Facts are stupid things." -- President Ronald Reagan (a blooper from his speeach at the '88 GOP convention)
