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It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Red Warrior's Journal: Slowgans 5

OK, I thought "Say WA" was too stupid to top.

Boy, was I wrong.

They should have gone with the reader suggestion:"Seattle: Come look at the monorail"

And I'd never even heard of "See-@-L: Soak it up" before. :-)

Update: I just saw a couple better ones: "Almost San Francisco" and "Seattle - we take your dollars and give you Nickles".

Update2: It keeps on giving: "living in Seattle is like being in love with a beautiful woman who's sick all the time"

This discussion was created by Red Warrior (637634) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • "Seattle - we take your dollars and give you Nickles"

    Yeah, and he isn't listening to the public (i.e. his constituency). He wants to proceed with the Big Dig Mark II [seattle.gov] instead of rebuilding the viaduct [nwsource.com].

    What drives me batshit insane is that this is for a city and for some reason unknown to me the state is volunteering to pay for it. That means that I, someone who avoids going into Seattle for any reason at all, will have to help foot the bill for this thing.

    The only thing that I can figure is that by
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • The current tourism slogan for Toronto is "Toronto Unlimited." And the ads tell you just as much about what Toronto is like as the slogan does.

Saliva causes cancer, but only if swallowed in small amounts over a long period of time. -- George Carlin
