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To The Little Untergruber

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  • Gruber was calling LIBERAL Americans stupid, the ones who were dumb enough to believe him.

    There's something I said from the start, way before 2008 (here's looking at you d_r, bottoms up!)...Too bad to see you do the same... But! the charade must go on!

    You know, with enough votes Romney [] can win... It's not so completely hopeless as you would like to think

    • by pudge ( 3605 ) *

      Gruber was mostly right, although the word "stupid" is probably not what he meant. But the fact is that whoever believed it wasn't a tax, it wouldn't raise rates, it wouldn't force you to change plans and possibly doctors, etc., was ignorant. Not stupid, necessarily, but ignorant. That said, someone who is ignorant and thinks that he actually knows these things is kinda stupid. So all the news folks, for example, who said that what Republicans said about the ACA were lies ... they were stupid.

      The fact i

      • Pfft! It's all bullshit. People who believe Obama, or any other of the politicians you people send to DC are stupid. Your damn system is utterly dependent on it.

        • by pudge ( 3605 ) *

          Well, yes, people who believe what they are told -- and then profess to know those things -- without investigating it, are stupid.

          • Precisely, and they are the ones who completely and utterly dominate the process, exactly the way your financiers want it, with its present day monolithic two-face one party system. Not a single independent in the house. Smells very bad...

            • by pudge ( 3605 ) *

              ... exactly the way your financiers want it ...

              No. It's true that the framers and most people who understand politics want the people to be ignorant about most issues in government, because otherwise, the people would be spending too much time watching government and not enough time enjoying life and being productive. Everyone should want to be ignorant about most things, especially most things government does. Otherwise you'll be miserable.

              But it's not true that they want people to be ignorant, but with a delusion of lack of ignorance. You're just

              • You are doing well. The state is very pleased with your performance. Keep up the good work.

                • by pudge ( 3605 ) *

                  I'm completely shocked that when given additional opportunity, you still won't back up your claims.

                  • fustakrakich is first, last, and always a troll, albeit far less expensive than Gruber.
                    • fustakrakich is first, last, and always a troll...

                      You are a very good teacher. I am forever grateful, my master...

                    • Your non-grasp of Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life belies my teaching skill and your protestations of gratitude.
                    • Your non-grasp of Jesus as the way...

                      Every time you repeat that you prove my point... hence the gratitude.

                    • I sense we may not be using "prove" in the same sense.
                    • Okay then, to clarify. You provide abundant evidence indicating validity. You are my master, and I suppose I should appreciate the compliment in your assertion. Does it put me at the head of your class? Because so far, I feel like the tortoise racing against the hare. You're just so quick to punch with the projection. There is no logical or reasonable defense. You get the center square every time, and your Mexican standoff is all that's left. You have become ossified in cultural idealism like a mosquito in

                    • Well, I'm certainly not your master. But I have to ask why the sudden appeal to "logical or reasonable defense"? I thought you were arguing a purely materialistic weltanschauung. Are arguments seasonal with you, or do you have some kind of D&D table with percentile dice to figure out what line of hooey to deploy?
                  • :-) But of course! I'm sure you are...

  • I'm still cracking up at that cactus! :) I guess that's International Sign (or maybe, since the Obamacare joke's on us, Sigh) Language for "you've just been Grubered!".

    But seriously, I don't know why people are painting Jonathan Gruber as being some kind of Hans Gruber -like super bad-guy. What he expressed is just part of the core set of beliefs of the Left in America. FNC is so happy to go along with the Left in keeping the people dumb, all they seemed to focus on was how insulting it was, and I didn't

  • Trying to claim that the Health Insurance Industry Bailout Act of 2010 was not influenced by the insurance industry is even more ridiculous than claiming that Reagan's silly speech directly led to the Berlin Wall coming down. The simple fact of the matter is that there are vastly more elected officials on the payroll of the insurance industry than not. They did not spontaneously decide to be charitable to the insurance industry for the hell of it; they gave them the return on investment that they had been
    • And you still voted for them. Proving the man's point. How quaint...

      So, give us once again your lesser evil schtick. Maybe if you rephrase it a bit, it might even sound almost original. See if you can match Mr. Smith's subtlety... I really would like to know how voting for a republican/democrat isn't stupid, and if not stupid, then evil. It definitely is one of the two. Maybe you can make an argument for the lesser stupid since it is easier to quantify than evil.

Pound for pound, the amoeba is the most vicious animal on earth.
