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Journal TopShelf's Journal: It's all in the wrist 1

Fresh data right out of the oven posted over at the blog. All NHL goals from the 2005-2006 regular season (non-empty net), broken down by distance and shot type (slapshot, wrister, etc.), along with a subset view of power play results.

The interesting thing to note here is the increased incidence of medium-range slapshot goals on the power play, as teams work the puck around and get clear shots from the point...

Over the weekend I'll get into the real juicy stuff - save percentage by distance and shot type, and then a further breakdown team by team, and eventually goalie by goalie.

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It's all in the wrist

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  • To account for fatigue issues, and time into the period, to see if we can generate any correlations vis a vis ice surface quality.

    I could drive you crazy with these ideas. :-)

GIVE: Support the helpless victims of computer error.
