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Journal TopShelf's Journal: [WGT] The third week's a charm... 2

Well, progress is being made; I weighed in at 201 this morning, down from 206 last week. My caloric intake has been within my goals (which has been far easier than I would have thought*), and my exercise has been well above - thanks in large part to hockey season being underway. Again, I heartily recommend SparkPeople for those looking to drop some pounds. It has an excellent approach to logging your diet and exercise, provides recommendations (including video demos of various exercises), and best of all, it's free. What I like most about the diet tracker is that if you need to record something that's not in their current list, you can enter it manually, whereupon it becomes part of the available choices going forward, kind of like a Wiki approach to building a food guide.

Progress So Far
9/8/06: 209
9/15/06: 204.5
9/22/06: 206
9/29/06: 201

*main reduction there has been in snacking. By trying to drink 8 glasses of water a day, that crowds out the Pepsi & Fritos habit I'd slipped into at work. Now, if I manage my day well, I can treat myself to some popcorn & peanuts in the evening while hanging out with my wife, when it's more enjoyable anyway.

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[WGT] The third week's a charm...

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