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Journal TopShelf's Journal: TO tried to OD 5

On the way home from hockey last night, I heard the initial reports that Terrell Owens had been admitted to the ER, for what was "most likely" a reaction to pain medicine he's been taking after he had surgery for a broken finger.

It turns out that this was actually a suicide attempt on TO's part. Very strange, indeed. I can't stand the guy and how he behaves, but you hate to see anyone in that kind of situation.

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TO tried to OD

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  • So I deleted my JE about it and will post my comments here:

    The NFL will be a better place when that egomaniac retires... and takes Randy Moss with him.
  • Owens, one of the league's top receivers during his 11-year NFL career, is best known for wild stunts on the field and other publicity-seeking antics off it.


  • TO tries to kill himself and the world replies with a collective shrug. If any other player were admitted for an intentional OD in a suicide bid there would be a debate over the reports veracity, or an outpouring of sympathy. With TO, no one seems to even consider that it might not be real, nor is anyone particularly surprised. Is there anyone out there who doesn't know and accept that TO's a head case?

    A question. If players must go through rigorous physical screening in order to play, what about psyc

    • by TopShelf ( 92521 )
      Well, the disputes are starting to come in, primarily from his publicist (shocking!). The sad thing would be for this to be a legitimate attempt that gets swept under the rug in an attempt to maintain his marketability...
      • More likely is the Dallas Police / Attorney General to look the other way since he's a Cowboy.

        Remember when Barry Switzer got caught with a gun at DFW?
        "Oh, it's OK, Coach, we know it was just a mistake."

        Michael Irvin never had the book thrown at him, either. F..king Community Service for a possesion of COCAINE? Lots of people in prison for that - then again, they didn't play for the Cowboys...

        It wouldn't matter if T.O. was swallowing pills trying to commit suicide with a dead hooker in the other r

Did you know that if you took all the economists in the world and lined them up end to end, they'd still point in the wrong direction?
