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Journal TopShelf's Journal: It's a new season... 3

Caught the pilot of Heroes last night on NBC - this looks like it could be fun. The only other new show I caught was Jericho, which also looks good. Other than that, the only series I follow regularly is House, which continues to be a treat.

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It's a new season...

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  • This third season of House has been a little slow if you ask me, although the supporting cast has definitely gotten a little more interesting.
    • House.

      It's basically Sherlock Holmes. In a hospital.

      Irrascible sociopath, unmistakeable genius. Only comes into his element when the "hunt is on".

      Always spiking his arm, too.

      Hugh Laurie is a treat. He plays a credible American. But it's like having Peter Cook or Mel Smith play a dramatic lead for me.
      • I agree, if you're watching it for the plot, it's definitely been done better, but I'm watching House because i want to be just like him when I grow up ;).

        Hugh Laurie is a treat. He plays a credible American. But it's like having Peter Cook or Mel Smith play a dramatic lead for me.

        I know what you mean. It's a testament to his acting skills (and accent) that I'm not always thinking about his foppish Blackadder characters.

        And oh yeah, LOST and BSG in 2 weeks! Sweet!

How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. -- R. Buckminster Fuller
