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Journal TopShelf's Journal: Happiness is... 3

There's just something wonderful about watching Notre Dame getting their a$$ kicked. Michigan State just went up 24-7 on an INT return for a TD by a Spartan lineman. This, just after Notre Dame totally lucked out of getting two unsportsmanlike conduct penalties on the same play (the refs blew the 2nd call, putting it against MSU, resulting in offsetting penalties), and momentum was supposedly swinging in favor of the Irish.

EDIT: Wow, what an epic collapse by Michigan State. They must have thought the game ended after the 3rd quarter, because they played like scared rodents during the 4th. Running back a kickoff, then taking a knee before any contact can be made was bad enough, but Stanton's INT for the go-ahead TD was terrible. When you've got the lead, you take the sack, let the clock run, and punt, you don't lob a desperation pass into the middle of the opposing D like that. You can give credit to Notre Dame for keeping their level of effort up, but Michigan State lost that game.

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Happiness is...

Comments Filter:
  • It's a George Harrison song, right? Oh, waitaminute, can that be used against me in a court of law? Probably.

  • As I type this, Notre Dame just made a ridiculous interception with :24 remaining to preserve their 40-37 lead.

  • Happiness is the Tigers hanging 10 on the Royals in the top of the first... on route to a 15-4 victory.

    Then hanging 9 on them in the top of the second today.

    Currently 9-2 in the bottom of the 4th... if the Tigers hold on to win, they'll lock a playoff appearance.

    And that makes me happy.

Pound for pound, the amoeba is the most vicious animal on earth.
