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Journal blinder's Journal: I'm an Unofficial Slashdot Editor 13

there was a story posted for subscribers (in the mysterious future) about the demise of gnustep. well, i don't use their software and because i am a mac os x user have just a passing knowledge of the project, but i found the story odd. the summary basically said that they called it quits because they couldn't compete with apple/cocoa on intel. how strange. i mean, a claim like that is just weird.

so, i decided to check into it. i went to the home page and found no "public announcement."


okay, maybe its burried somewhere, no news updates (seeing as though that would be pretty big news for a project). nope, not burried, next i thought "okay, i'm just not getting it" so i poked around some more. i found they had a project wiki. so, i went there. huh, nothing there.

a little bit mroe digging and noticed that the wiki keeps a page of developer blogs. i went and checked each one of them... no announcment. nothing. zero.

now i figured the story was a fake. so, i emailed the slashdot "daddypants" account with basically all of this information, and closed it with a "you're welcome."

i mean, the story summary had a single link to the front page. the "editor" (that would be taco) didn't even bother to click on it!!! or, more like he did, saw that it wasn't a 404 and thought "oh well, good enough for me." the "editor" didn't even bother to do, well, any editing!

i know its old hat to jab at the "editors" of this site, but when it gets down to the fact that they will just post *anything* without even the most rudementary fact-checking (you know, the thing the new republic is so very good at)... it just makes you wonder, what the fuck?

i wouldn't even have written about this, but it just frustrated me that these "editors" would be so cavalier with how stories get queued up.


This discussion was created by blinder (153117) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

I'm an Unofficial Slashdot Editor

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