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Journal HokieSeas's Journal: SIELWOLF CHEATED!!! 5

And by cheated, I mean he has an oversized mental capacity that is full of more useless and random trivia then the rest of us. :)

Last night Sielfwolf joined Bodak and I for our typical wednesday night out to deprogram from the rigors of work at the midweek point. Hang out for a few hours, have a few drinks, dinner, watch some sports and play NTN trivia games...which does include a bit of trash talking and celebratory gestures when you beat the rest of the table. It, much like Trivial Pursuit at times, reveals quite often how little you seem to know on certain subjects. Yes, sometimes it makes you feel down right dumb. Anyway, this is something Bodak and I have been doing with his parents and other friends for a good few years now...I really don't remember when we started, but we have been going there on wednesday nights longer than the current manager and all of the waitstaff have been there.

So in the end, it was good to finally meet someone off the dot, the evening was enjoyable, Sielwolf won too many games, and we shall see when paths may cross again with him or any other dotters that find their way to Hampton Roads.
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  • Kevin and I were at a local hangout that he's been going too for a very long time. They'd just hired a new bartender and she asked one of the other bartenders where something seldom ordered was kept. The other bartender told her that they didn't carry that brand, and Kevin, said, "It's behind the vodkas." She looked and it was there.

    The place on the lake that I used to hang out at all summer in TN, I would go into the kitchen and make something to eat and come back out and sit at the bar with it. If t

  • You're just upset because he challenged your dominance in the sci-fi game.
    • Not really. Looking at the games overall, I just sucked last night, I had an off week, I ran out of gas, there were locusts!!!

      But in general, I don't think I hardly competed for top spot in any of the games last night except for the first 15 minutes of the travel game, which doesn't really mean much when its an hour long.
      • Haha. I just got lucky. And since everyone was having a good ol conversation it was easy to miss a question or two (or just confuse up folks) and fall behind.

        I had a definite blast... of course getting back to my hotel at midnight and having a 7:30 show in the morning meant that today was a bit of a bear. ;)

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