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Journal Pirogoeth's Journal: Coffee? 13

How do you take your coffee?

A) Straight up black
B) Cream
C) Sugar
D) Foo-foo flavoring creamers
E) Chocolate carmel whipped cream half-caf double shot latte grande something-or-other.
F) I take my caffeine in other forms.
G) No caffeine for me, thanks.
H) Other...

Side poll: How many cups a day?

Personally, my first cup usually has a foo-foo creamer (today: french vanilla) to make it go down quicker. The other 2-3 cups a day are just black.

This discussion was created by Pirogoeth (662083) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • Coffee used to give me horrible reflux. Now I drink tea and soda exclusively for my caffiene intake.
  • one extra frou-frou lowfat decaf mocha with vanilla sugar/ no whipped cream, over ice, please.

    Thank you.

    I don't get to have them very often due to the calories.

    But they are divine.
    • yeah, i'm with the dragon here... frou frou all the way... decaf ice mocha, with the vanilla sugar... sometimes with whipped cream, sometimes not.
      • I usually get the iced mocha, but instead of decaff, I have them add a shot of espresso. Then I write about 3 hours worth of code in 30 minutes, then take a 30 minute nap. Rinse and repeat. That's why I only work 2 days a week! (Just kidding about everything except the drink.)
  • I drink it in form of a mix of China, Darjeeling, Ceylon, Lapsang souchong and bergamot.

    With sugar.



  • But as a result, I tend to make my coffee a bit weaker than those of y'all who put in milk and sugar. And thats why I find Starbucks to taste "burnt."
  • No coffee for me. Not nearly as much caffeine as I used to consume, either. Quite a while ago I stopped drinking soda during the week (water only except for iced tea or alcohol when eating out, which is maybe twice a week). So during the week my caffeine comes from Penguin Mints. On the weekends, iced tea or Mountain Dew.
  • Tab in the morning to perk up, and a white chocolate two-shot latte with a squirt of dark after my workout. Then a couple more Tabs throughout the day when I need a pick-me-up.

    I am definitely a junkie at this point, and get rather desperate the two days a week that my coffee shop is closed.

  • with milk...
  • Either add sugar and milk (milk usually to decrease temp) or add flavored syrup and milk (again to decrease temp).

    I just cannot take it black. With the exception of some Gevalia [] brews which are just so dang good that I have had them straight up.

  • Foo-foo flavored creamer, for the kitty must have her cream. (and about 3 cups in the morning)


  • One bottled Frappuccino (plus coffee syrup) in the morning, then one cup of brewed office double-strength black at work.

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