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  • How could President Lawnchair have shared his strategy for ISIS with the American public without it becoming viewable to the rest of the world? You would not have been satisfied has he shared it only with congress under the secrecy veil of "national security interests" - and for that matter some republican would have leaked it had he done that anyways.

    Is that cowboy hat supposed to be part of his "rodeo clown" getup?
    • The overarching strategy, of course, is like chess pieces. Such is required to maintain the Clausewitzian Trinity.
      Of course the operational and tactical levels are more akin to poker, and hidden.
      These are key concepts. Let me know if you need me to break them down further for you.
      • These are key concepts. Let me know if you need me to break them down further for you.

        All i want is for you to stop moving the goal posts and describe clearly a situation where President Lawnchair could describe the strategy to the American public enough to satisfy you without you claiming that he is giving it all away to The Enemy.

        If the

        overarching strategy

        That you eluded to was really all you wanted, then simply saying "we're going to defeat ISIS" should have been enough (and it is noted that you were happy with that level of strategy when we invaded two countries around a decade ago). Clearly you wan

        • All i want is for you to stop moving the goal posts and describe clearly a situation where President Lawnchair could describe the strategy to the American public enough to satisfy you without you claiming that he is giving it all away to The Enemy.

          And all I want is for you to have your first encounter with a godforsaken clue [].
          Go read some Kagan or Mead, please, sir.

          • ... and there you go, pretending that the written word has some static value to you. You are perfectly content to treat the word as 1000% fungible when a guy of your own choosing is in the white house, but if the guy there happens to have the cursed letter D after his name - regardless of what he has actually done policy-wise - then you quickly whip out for favorite tomes to rally the impeachment cries.

            Your rampant inconsistencies are well noted.
            • As is your attempt to change the subject. Which you brought up.
              • As is your attempt to change the subject. Which you brought up.

                Exactly how did I change the subject? I was asking for you to actually define a situation where President Lawnchair could share enough information with the American public without that getting to be "too much" for ISIS. You can't define such a situation because none exists.

                • I was asking for you to actually define a situation where President Lawnchair could share enough information with the American public without that getting to be "too much" for ISIS.

                  And I replied by showing you the previous procedure by which strategy moves from public to private, which seemed to stagger along semi-coherently until this Administration.

                  You can't define such a situation because none exists.

                  OK, ya got me. Nothing 'exists'. It's all so much illusion. Closer to the truth (without touching it) I am a leprechaun seated on the back of a unicorn that is currently grazing about in the pleasant fields of Atlantis, strummin' me magic harp, which produces this post via the WAIWMTCWTBW (Why Am I Wasting My Time Conversing With This Bri

        • My last reply was a tad bit harsh. Let's just say that every accusation of cluelessness laid at the feet of Sarah Palin has come true in the form of #OccupyResoluteDesk

          "Knock knock."
          "Who's there?"
          "ISIL who?"
          "ISIL have no idea what to do about this $#!+."
          -- @BarackObama to WH Press Corps, 9/10/14 []

          • You just want war...

            • You just want me to want war. You demand that I want such.
              • Yeah yeah, keep on denyin' Your little code words like "adrift" and weak" make your (mass media's actually, you're just mimicking them) position quite clear.

                Just the wrong guy behind the podium, nothing more.

                • No, what's really afoot here is the mismatch between the U.S. Constitution as written, and the post-Industrial Revolution world, when the Atlantic Ocean ain't no moat no mo'.
                  I'm pretty confident that Isolationism no worky-worky, but Interventionism has also been shown to be kinda bust.
                  What to do?
                  • What to do?

                    Start by turning your back on the earthly people you idolize. Then I can believe you are serious. Otherwise you are just a prop for your empire, and you just spew whatever you see on the TV.

                    • You never conclusively proved the idolatry, which would be a sin. Are you trying to go with a 'soft fear' play here?
                    • You never conclusively proved the idolatry...

                      That's right. You have, and do, with every mention of you-know-who, the one you compare all else to. The "fear" thing? That's your job, not mine.

                    • No, no: the burden of proof sits with the accuser. Remind me not to hire you as a lawyer.
                    • You're the one doing the accusing, what, for six years now? You have yet to show that the course has changed over the last thirty years. Actually you have yet to show that it has ever changed over the last 10,000. Personality is your game.

                    • You're the one doing the accusing, what, for six years now?

                      I find out the most amazing things from reading your replies.

                      Actually you have yet to show that it has ever changed over the last 10,000.

                      Wait, I thought you were an Evolution supporter, or are you denying that and climate change in one swell foop, thou great curmudgeon?

                    • 10,000 years is a microsecond... Have faith!

                    • In Al Gore?
                    • In yourself!

                    • Given the fragility of the human mind, and the inevitability of the final heartbeat, I'm comfortable asserting that anyone putting faith in a mere human being is a right idiot.
                      Never, ever go past provisional confidence.
                    • Your "fragile human mind" is what does all your thinking for you, and provides for all your fantasies and feelings. Why do you deny your self? Why do you want to suffer your life?

                    • "All" is a dangerous quantifier here. You can't use that without quenching the Holy Spirit, which can lead to a major party foul.
                    • There you go again, anthropomorphizing your deity... Your "Holy Spirit" does not direct or "do" anything at all. Brain is mind and vicey versy... You will leave everything here.

                    • Every physical thing, surely. What you've never shown is that you've accounted for the soul. And if I'm wrong, and you're correct, then so is Her Majesty: "What difference, at this point, does it make?"
                      Well, it's all nihilism then, isn't it? Why don't I just call you 'Dirt', if that's all you ultimately are? Just go on a riotous, hedonistic tear! In the absence of any broader context, how can it possibly matter, Dirt?
                      When are you going to drop this façade of intellect, Dirt?
                    • It makes no difference at all. It all depends how you want to live. If you avoid bumping into the furniture, go nuts. It couldn't be simpler. "Morality" arose from collective living, and because man is weak, they have to create a "supernatural" force to scare the crowd into submission. Guns and bombs rule now. If you want to lay your attacks of "riotous hedonistic tears" on something, lay it on that, leave the ladies alone. All of this is beyond the view of your tiny overton window, so I don't expect compre

                    • It makes no difference at all. It all depends how you want to live.

                      If it makes no difference at all, because you are Dirt, then the illusion of "how you want to live" also dissolves into nihilistic dirt, Dirt. You can slam your fingers in your Overton Window, but it was all variations on dirt, Dirt. At least, that seems the conclusion of your course. With which I don't fully agree. Sure, the flesh is dirt, but our very conversation itself negates the assertion that dirt is all there is.

                    • Yes, it's just a thing that everyone goes through, everything dissolves back into from where it came... but it hasn't yet, while you are here, in your non-dirt phase, make the best of it. And you should be impressed with what nature does with dirt. It created you and me out of it (who ever thought that dirt could daydream and fantasize? Yet here we are), and both you and I will return to that exact same state, leaving everything about this life behind, resistance is futile. Gruesome and gross with all the g

                    • "while you are here, in your non-dirt phase, make the best of it"

                      It's like The Best of Bread [], with less nutrition.

                      Purpose is yours to make or break.

                      Dirt is without purpose.

                    • Dirt is without purpose.

                      Just like everything else, but it does exist (to us) regardless, eh? So who cares? If you want "purpose", you gotta make your own.

                    • How can everything be without purpose, and yet be capable of generating purpose? I'm perpetually challenged, trying to remember that I am the unreasonable one in this conversation.
                    • "Purpose" is something you made up, not me. With or without makes no difference to me, so it is in nature.

                    • Yeah, so am I...

How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. -- R. Buckminster Fuller
