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This discussion was created by RailGunner (554645) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • It didn't go nearly as well as the one in Santiago, but maybe the goal is not what we expected. Always remember to look at the biiig picture []. It's private enterprise, at its finest.

    • Do all those innuendos yield a supposed story, or is this pain in my backside due to something else?
      • What "innuendos" are you talking about?

        • s/supposed story/suppository/
          • That doesn't answer the question. What "innuendos" are you talking about? Or are you just making shit up again?

            • From your OP, the innuendos are "the one in Santiago, but maybe the goal is not what we expected". At least provide a link for your tinfoil hattery, sir.
              • Ah yes.. You still like to play dumb [] with the obvious.. I mean, your cheap sun glasses are really blocking the view [].

                • Wait, what instance of excessive power in the hands of the unelected few am I defending, unawares, this time?
                  Your doctrine of my mindlessness has exposed so much Zombie Smitty activity, I must confess I'm astounded. When not snarfing brains.
                  • ...what instance of excessive power in the hands of the unelected few am I defending, unawares, this time?

                    All of them. Your elected few are what do this. Those "unelected" people have the ear of the people you do elect. You enable them all, well, the ones from your tribe anyway. You don't fool me. You are just trying to dodge the part you play. And I would expect nothing less, So, do your worst. I do not care.

                    • OK, so you're playing the "All have sinned, and come short of he glory of God" card. And you're dissatisfied with my efforts at improving the situation. Sure. And you're privileged such that you don't have to offer anything other that bits of ersatz Zen in response. You're kind of a yawn, you know?
                    • don't have to offer anything other that bits of ersatz Zen in response...

                      Not my job... And besides, purely out of fear of losing social status, you have already dismissed the better alternative, so what's the point? Nope, unless I'm in the mood, I'll stick with doing the play by play. The outcome is your problem, and what you have produced is at complete odds with you are saying. Your diversions about god and this and that do not disguise the bastards you vote for. Superficial branding is what you're

                    • I would that it was not your job to offer ersatz Zen.

                      you have already dismissed the better alternative

                      Was that your "just randomize it" call? I never understood in what way it was "better".

                      Nope, unless I'm in the mood, I'll stick with doing the play by play. The outcome is your problem

                      You privilege yourself with flair and panache, sir.

                      It is regurgitated mass media gruel.

                      Oh, that my gruel were half as grueling as yours, sir!

                    • I never understood in what way it was "better".

                      Yes, I already knew that. That was my point to begin with. You have your privilege to protect from all comers. So, naturally you would be against it.

                    • Your non-command of simple explanations is my fault? Well, lop off my head and call me a journalist!
                    • Your non-command of simple explanations is my fault?

                      No, your non-comprehension of simple explanations is your fault. It's not because you can't, it's because you won't. You just play shallow religious/political games to avoid facing the truth. You're all wrapped up in "abstractions", and personality. You have surrendered yourself to cultism. It gives your comfort and a feeling of "purpose". I know I can never change that. I can only clarify your POV, being so laden with cultural baggage, is hardly credible

                    • So, beyond our "I know you are, but what am I?" circles, what is there? I came from your dead POV into life.

                      You just play shallow religious/political games to avoid facing the truth.

                      I met the truth, and it broke me utterly. You can call me anything under the sun, but "shallow" is laughable. Faith, in the ultimate sense, is really all I have. All of the other materialistic mumbo-jumbo is transient.

                    • I met the truth, and it broke me utterly.

                      Yet, you still idolize earthbound personalities. You are incredible.

                    • You keep trying to prod me into this 'idolize' thing. I'm really not clear why, but you're kinda funny.
                    • No, it's because you do. But you're right. It is definitely funny, in a tragic kind of way. Not my problem.

                    • Would I'd the attention span to accomplish the half of what you claim, sir. You just keep on pluckin' your "not my problem" chicken like it's your job. Tragic? Funny? Whatever.
                    • Would I'd the attention span to accomplish the half of what you claim, sir.

                      Everything you post is confirmation. Stating the obvious is not a claim, it is merely redundant. Everyone else knows it goes without mentioning. When you're looking for your car keys, I'm the one telling you you have them in your hands already.

                    • One mondo telescope you've got, there on your Olympian heights, sir.
                    • Nope, just raw footage, without the embellishment, cultural and otherwise.

                    • I love the smell of your objectivity claims in the evening. It smells like. . .my toddler needs a change.
                    • Well, of course, to you it would. It's not really a thing to me. You suffer the same problem 98% of the population suffers. You're not comprehending the simplest things, and I have nothing better to do but try to convince of that. If you open your eyes, great, if not, eh, no skin off my back, tomorrow's just another day in paradise.

                    • By your own materialistic arguments, there is no 2%. Keep on jokin'.
                    • No, statistically it's about 2% of the population that makes the effort, just keep your eyes shut and it will all go away, or so you hope.

                    • Oh, come on: you told me we're all carnivorous meat, incapable of change.
                    • Well, that's obviously not true, and I never said that. That's like saying evolution doesn't exist. No, what I've told you and all the rest is that the cortex (including yours) remains subservient to instinct. And yes, you are carnivorous meat, with a small salad on the side, maybe a baked potato also. Feel free to show evidence to the contrary. The world awaits with bated breath.

                    • Happy to show you all the evidence you like. But first: how does one go about presenting evidence of a z-axis to someone whose thinking is mired in a Cartesian plane?
                    • On the "z-axis" your culture has you mired in negative territory, while it does provide assistance along the "y-axis" (material profit), and that's what your established religions are all about, and into the abyss (-z) they will send you if you let them. The kind of person you accuse me of being is exactly the type you admire most in your trivial politics. Their ambition is purely materialistic. Oh, they talk the talk, the kind that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but they are steak and potatoes a

                    • Yeah, I don't really "admire" anyone in politics; they're all guilty until proven innocent, in my experience. And even then, one may have overlooked a body. You never tire of flogging this dead horse, though; I guess your energy is admirable, for all the prime mover doesn't appear attached to a useful load.
                    • Not "may have", you still are, to this very moment in your utter deference. You cannot/will not let go.

                    • You cannot/will not let go.

                      Genuinely curious as to what you possibly mean here. I get that you're attempting a con here, but I can't guess where it's going. Is this another Semi-Conscious Liberation Army recruiting pitch?

                    • Play dumb all you want to... this is a dead end...

                    • Your hyper-materialist argument has always, by necessity, been a dead end. You tell me I am a wholly owned subsidiary of playing dumb, then mock me for playing dumb. And I can't deny the tacit agreement inherent in playing along with your noise.
                      The good news is that I know what lies beyond your farce.
                    • Your hyper-materialist argument has always, by necessity, been a dead end.

                      Nonsense, it is a cycle, like wash, rinse, spin... There is no end, there was no beginning. You have, and always will, exist. And yes, you continue to play dumb, you are fixated on a single context(what the hipsters call "framing"), and when something doesn't fit, it's not allowed on board the airplane, I really don't mind, I just accept it as one of life's little mysteries.

                    • "you continue to play dumb"

                      I doubt I'm out-dumbing you.

                      I just accept it as one of life's little mysteries.

                      Oh just get stuffed. You can't argue hyper-materialism here, then "little mysteries" there. Oh, wait: in crapflood mode, such contradictions are a requirement.

                    • hyper-materialism

                      Means nothing. Accept where you come from, and what you are. And the fog will clear.

                    • Indeed, hyper-materialism means nothing. I've never denied my origin, or current existential status. Nor am I fogged in, dead, or asleep. I anticipate your simple Argument Clinic contradiction, and will keep praying for your escape.
                    • from what?

                    • The Argument Clinic.
                    • I'm sorry, this is abuse. You want the room down the hall.

                    • It has been that, yes.
                    • Yeah, well, since you've been playing the part of Chuck Todd all this time, there was never any point in calling this an "argument". The best I can do in such cases is just throw out a couple of cheap shots.

                    • If I'm Chuck Todd, then you're James Carville. Neener^3
                    • Who?

                    • OK, fine, Roger Daltrey.
                    • Whew! I thought you were gonna say Pete Townshend...

                    • At least I didn't having you Entwistling past the graveyard by the light of a full Moon.

"Remember, extremism in the nondefense of moderation is not a virtue." -- Peter Neumann, about usenet
