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Journal Travoltus's Journal: I really HATE people like this

The world is FULL of people like this:

I wish I hadn't missed this post or I would have ripped this Zulux guy a new one.

The poster he was referring to as 'unreasonable' was, in fact, pointing out a historically proven truth that eroding privacy almost ALWAYS leads to a rapidly encroaching police state.

We only need to go back 50 years to the days of Senator Joe McCarthy to find an example of a police state in America.

It infuriates me that there are SCORES of people out there like Zulux who wallow in their numb apathy and who launch pointless bullshit jabs at people for challenging their cattle grazing mentality.

Chicken Little, meet the Ostrich.

God forbid. It's days and people like this that make me think there's a good reason why people catch that thankfully rare mental illness known as Libertarianism.

- Travoltus, a libertarian (with a small l, because laissez-faire is as big an enemy of freedom as Communism. Whoops, did I just say that?!)
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I really HATE people like this

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