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Journal KoriaDesevis's Journal: Easiest way to go into cardiac arrest 5

1. Have skylight installed on the roof of the house.

2. Grow gum tree next to house. Needs to be taller than the roof.

3. Wait for gray squirrel to make acrobatic leap from tree to roof (hitting skylight).

Dumb squirrel. There's nothing to eat up there...

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Easiest way to go into cardiac arrest

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  • It was probably a squirrel ninja on a reconaissance mission.
    • This is what's holding the Great Squirrel Uprising back. They're conventional military techniques are second-to-none in the rodent world*, but there's a significant ninja gap.

      *: I have first hand experience of this, having frequently crossed the squirrel army's Grove City Acorn Artillery Range. Those damned rats are clever. They've disguised it as the quad in front of the Student Union.

  • All Squirrels Must Die! []

    Squirrels are the most dangerous threat known to man and, if not kept in check, will be the downfall of life as we know it.
    -From the above-linked site
  • where you painted little nuts on the inside of the skylight to trick, I meant attract, the squirrels.

    I love my skylights , all six of them.

  • I have this mental picture of the squirrel hitting the glass spread eagle with a shocked look on his face and slowly sliding down while making a squeegie noise. :-)

Science and religion are in full accord but science and faith are in complete discord.
