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Comment Re:I'm sure this terrorist attack will calm things (Score 1) 445

Soldiers bombarding enemy civilians, who's express openly that the reason for this bombardment is being of wrong protected characteristics under UN Convention of Human Rights nonstop for decades: not valid targets for highly targeted countermeasures, such countermeasures against them are in fact terrorist attacks.

The mind of an anti-Semite is a dogmatic one. The only check it performs is "how do I blame the Jews or their nation for this negative event".

Palestinians are Semites too.

Submission + - Turning the sun's gravity into an extremely powerful telescope (

Tablizer writes: Using a phenomenon known as gravitational lensing, it might be possible to use the sun as a gigantic telescope to peer deep into space...

Astronomers already use this effect, called gravitational lensing, to study the most distant galaxies in the universe. When light from those galaxies passes near a giant cluster of galaxies, the mass of that cluster amplifies and magnifies the background image, allowing us to see much farther than we normally could...

Of course, there are challenges with using the solar gravitational lens as a natural telescope. The focal point of all this light bending sits 542 times greater than the distance between Earth and the sun. It's 11 times the distance to Pluto, and three times the distance achieved by humanity's most far-flung spacecraft, Voyager 1, which launched in 1977.

So not only would we have to send a spacecraft farther than we ever have before, but it would have to have enough fuel to stay there and move around. The images created by the solar gravitational lens would be spread out over tens of kilometers of space, so the spacecraft would have to scan the entire field to build up a complete mosaic image...

While it may seem outlandish, the concept isn't too far from reality. And what would we get with this kind of supertelescope? If it were aimed at Proxima b, the nearest known exoplanet, for example, it would deliver a 1-kilometer's capable of delivering an exquisite portrait of the detailed surface features of any exoplanet within 100 light-years, let alone all the other astronomical observations it could achieve.

Submission + - Trump acknowledges losing the 2020 election."by a whisker." ( 2

fahrbot-bot writes: Former President Donald Trump publicly acknowledged that he did not win the 2020 presidential election, telling podcaster Lex Fridman that he "lost by a whisker."

Fridman asked the Republican nominee about his expectations for his debate next week against Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, in a podcast episode released Tuesday.

Trump initially answered, "I've done a lot of debating ... I've done well with debates," before embarking on a tangent about the number of votes he received in 2020, saying: "I became president. Then the second time I got millions more votes than I got the first time."

"I was told if I got 63 million, which is what I got the first time, 'You would win. You can't not win.' And I got millions more votes than that and lost by a whisker," Trump added.

Trump received about 74 million votes nationally in 2020, compared to 81 million for Joe Biden.

Submission + - World Robot Conference 2024 wraps up in Beijing

oumuamua writes: Elon Musk’s Optimus Robot was there but only displayed statically in a case. KrASIA reports that 27 other humanoid robots were on display:

These robots captivated audiences with demonstrations ranging from industrial training scenarios to increasingly versatile commercial applications. Visitors were treated to interactive and entertaining displays, such as robots fetching medicine, playing the piano, washing clothes, and making coffee.

EX-Robot, a company that specializes in creating convincing bionic humanoid robots for museums and institutions, went viral when an attendee posted a video of their fembots. People had trouble telling the real robots from the cosplay actors.

Watch this comprehensive and informative overview of WRC 2024 to see these robots in action — additional footage of the fembots starts here.

Submission + - CALTECH next generation of STEM student majority female (

Bruce66423 writes: 'In a milestone breakthrough, more than half of Caltech’s incoming undergraduate class this fall will be women for the first time in its 133-year history. The class of 113 women and 109 men comes 50 years after Caltech graduated its first class of undergraduate women, who were admitted in 1970.

'Gloria L. Blackwell, chief executive of the American Assn. of University Women, lauded Caltech’s achievement as critical progress in reducing the substantial gap of women in science, technology, engineering and math. Although women hold about 60% of degrees in biological sciences, they represent only about 18% in computer science and 20% in engineering, Blackwell said.

'Research has shown that boys are not better at math and science than girls, but a persistent message in society says otherwise — and especially discourages Latinas and Black girls from pursuing the fields because they face discrimination and have less access to role models, resources and opportunities, the AAUW says.'

'At UC Berkeley, another powerful producer of STEM graduates, nearly half of students majoring in those fields identify as women or nonbinary, but the field they enter varies significantly. They make up more than two-thirds of students in biological and biomedical sciences, but about one-third in engineering, computer and informational sciences, and mathematics and statistics.'

'One of the first female undergraduates 'put up with a student who carefully explained “why it had to be true that [women] were admitted as affirmative action” based on the purportedly natural gender distribution of intelligence. One professor said to her class that admitting women would end Caltech’s excellence, and another told her that “you’re a waste of an education.”

Now 'women hold about 45% of STEM degrees but make up only 28% of the workforce in those fields, said Blackwell of the American Assn. of University Women.'

Submission + - AI to go nuclear? Data center deals say it's inevitable (

snydeq writes: Anticipating astronomical compute-intensive AI workloads, hyperscalers and heavy data center operators are turning to energy providers for nuclear-fueled solutions in a ‘global arms race for power like nothing we have ever seen before,’ reports's Paula Rooney.

AWS has paid $650 million to purchase a 960-megawatt nuclear-powered data center on site at Talen Energy’s Susquehanna, Penn., nuclear plant, with additional data centers planned — pending approval by the Nuclear Regulatory Agency.

Microsoft, Google, and Nucor, a maker of small module nuclear reactors (SMRs), put out a request for information this spring, and Constellation Energy showed interest about cooperating on a possible SMR and securing contracts to imminently access nuclear power from the Baltimore power company, says a spokesperson for Constellation, one of the nation’s largest nuclear power providers.

“The data economy and Constellation’s nuclear energy go together like peanut butter and jelly. And as such, we are in advanced conversations with multiple clients, large, well-known companies that you all know about powering their needs,” said Joe Dominquez, Constellation’s CEO during a company conference call in May.

Submission + - Astroturf is bad, really bad (

Bruce66423 writes: 'The artificial turf industry has had a great deal of success convincing millions of people that its short-lived, nonrecyclable, fossil-fuel-derived product is somehow good for the environment. Were there a greenwashing hall of fame, this would be in it.

'Artificial turf consists of single-use plastics made from crude oil or methane. The extraction, refining and processing of these petrochemicals, along with the transporting and eventual removal of artificial turf, come with a significant carbon footprint.

'Because artificial turf is a complex product made of multiple types of plastic, it will never be recycled.

'Studies show the maintenance costs of artificial turf often exceed those of natural grass. Naturally occurring organisms in soil break down much of what ends up on a grass field, including all kinds of human and animal bodily fluids. When the field is a plastic carpet, those systems can’t work, necessitating regular cleaning with a cleansing agent and a substantial amount of water.

'Remarkably, artificial turf doesn’t even save water compared with grass. Industry marketing materials claim that an artificial field can save millions of gallons of water a year and that homeowners who use the product to replace a conventional lawn can reduce their water use by more than half. But artificial turf must be regularly cleaned with water, and in warm climates such as Los Angeles’, artificial fields get so hot that schools must water them down before children play on them.'

Comment Re:So, uhhh (Score 2, Funny) 10

Facebook/Meta? Google? Amazon? GM?

They were all fined. Why would TikTok get a free pass?

Non-Western Exceptionalism;
part of the reparations for the Opium Wars;
part payment in lieu of cleaning up the hundreds of thousands of unexploded bombs in Laos;
part reparations to the families of Chinese killed in Indonesia in the early 1960s.

Keep those payments coming!

Submission + - Robot dentist performs first automated crown preparation (

pgetto writes: Perceptive Technologies is today announcing two new technologies that I very much hope will make future dental experiences better for everyone — an intra-oral scanner using optical coherence tomography to generate a 3D image of the inside of your teeth and an automated robot designed to take a dental procedure that typically requires several hours and multiple visits, and complete it in minutes in a single visit.

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