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Comment Re:The Firefox OS project needs to be terminated. (Score 1) 128

Compatibility with smartphone hardware, for one. Which X11/Linux distribution were you thinking of?

Full-blown Ubuntu runs on a number of devices already, and the theory is that we'll be able to use Android video drivers with Wayland, right? Or is that not the idea any more?

Comment Re:Priceless (Score 1) 114

No it isn't.

The web has video that works these days, yes. This is progress. It also has platforms like Twitter and Facebook that encourage ordinary people to publish and hyperlink to things, even if those people are not wordsmiths and would never have had a regular blog.

Despite all these wonderful new things, I have not noticed people suddenly ceasing to write long form articles. It's been purely additive.

Comment Are they sure? (Score 4, Interesting) 121

I didn't actually see any evidence of Facebook censoring content because it's insulting to Ataturk on the linked page. The "evidence" appears to be a document that doesn't mention Facebook anywhere, but, let's take it as read that this really is a list of Facebook content abuse standards.

Even with that assumption, things related to Turkey are not listed as always banned. They are under a section labelled "escalate", meaning, if it gets hot, send it to management.

It may well be that Facebook has decided to enforce Turkish laws about this in order to get themselves unbanned there. But it may also be that upper management just wants more precise control over this hot potato. Once I see a clear message from Facebook saying a group was suspended for violating Turkish censorship laws, then I'll agree.

Comment Re:"appropriate sexual dialogue" (Score 1) 223

"The only appropriate sexual dialogue between tech workers" IS none at all, as long as there's just a slim chance someone might be offended, and it's stupidly immature not to get that in one's head, and as long a such immature offenders constitute a significant portion of tech workers, organizations like the Ada Institute are totally needed.

Or..they could actually grow a bit thicker skin, and ignore people and their words that don't mean a damned thing, and be professional and get their job done.....like most people do.

Quit crying and deal with the real world that isn't all sunshine, rainbows, unicorns and people at are at all concerned about your self esteem.

This is the real world, deal with it....I'm talking to BOTH men and women.

Comment Re:Thug culture is to blame. (Score 1) 142

And don't forget, the rich assholes who refuse to spend money to fix social problems


Spending money does not and CAN not fix social problems. We've seen the beautifully exemplified by the non-success of the War on Poverty we've been waging for decades.

You can't buy your way out of immoral, uneducated, violent social problems that many of our US sub-cultures embrace. It has to come FROM the community itself.

If nothing else, the throwing of $$ at it and many programs meant to give help, have become ways of life for many that became generational cultures of dependence, and anger....and the loss of family and family values being passed onto the kids.

It has to come from within the people of the community themselves, you can buy it or legislate it.

Comment Re:That's Crazy Expensive (Score 1) 397

"In order to be successful, a new product has to be cheaper and better"

No it doesn't. It just needs to meet a need.

No, if it's not cheaper and better than the competition, then there needs to be no competition: it needs to fill an unmet need.

This product does not fill a significant unmet need, so it needs to be cheaper and better than the competition, which does already fill this need. Remember, there's lots of meal replacements out there.

Yes, there are a small handful of people who want this product. It's clearly not enough to make a profit on volume, because they're raising their prices.

Comment Re:Compiler optimizer bugs (Score 1) 285

I don't normally name and shame.

That's too bad, because that's the only thing that would help us, the slashdotting public. And, you know, the general public, as well.

I guess it would be more awkward for them if I informed them of this...

More than being awkward for them, it's useful for us if you inform us. I care more about moving forward than looking back, but a glance at your notes now and again can be useful. Forgive, yes. Forget, no.

Comment Re:American Cities (Score 2) 142

You're kidding, right? Sure, there is probably a greater chance of such a thing happening in the USA, but there are plenty of vandalas, morons, and drunk idiots in western Europe too, and it's perfectly likely that some such people would do something similar given the chance. Don't try to make out like Europe is a paradise of civility.

Hey, It's not like the robot got shot or anything....


Comment Re:Startup management subsystem (Score 1) 416

IIRC, this is similar to what Linus said about systemd. He said that as a user he liked it and didn't have problems with it but he did run into problems when interacting with the systemd developers.

What he said is that he didn't personally care about it, that he understands that some people have use cases where it makes sense... and that he understands that the developers are a bit of a problem. Not that he liked it... or doesn't like it. It's unlikely to have affected him substantially yet, except for rejecting bad patches

Comment Re:Thug culture is to blame. (Score 3, Insightful) 142

Literally everything you said is the moral standards of the ruling class except for 'drugs' read 'pharmaceuticals', for 'robbery' read 'arbitrage', and well, I guess nothing else need be changed.

Now, now, that's not true at all! The rich don't usually do their own dirty work. They drive other people into poverty, and then have them do it in order to try to survive. That way, they can keep the blood off of their own suit.

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