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Comment Re: wrong totally (Score 1) 275

Admittedly with no data to hand, the demographic who watches FOX as a source of news likely anti-intellectual, science-denying, god-fearing, economically disenfranchised, and socially regressive.

It looks like you missed at least three words in this sentence. But that's the problem with calling people dumb over the Internet, isn't it?

I missed one word, an "is" between "news" and "likely".

I called no one dumb, though I did insinuate it by calling people a subset of people who don't get their news from cable TV "smart ones". I stand by that assertion, that people who get their news through the Internet are more literate, skeptical, and open to evidence-based claims than those who get their news through cable TV.

I have no data for my claim, which I admit is a stereotype.

Finally, I don't hate the audience I characterized, though my political differences with that audience may be great.

Comment Re:Lost His Balls (Score 1) 78

More than that, his "Steven Colbert" act (that's what it is - an act) is just being a contrarian. He'll be the first to say that his entire interviewing style is to be disinterested in whoever it is that is there, and to just argue with them with the absolute most ridiculous contrary statements he can think of. He, in fact, tells his guests this before any cameras are turned on in order to let them have some fun with it too - he genuinely wants his guests to have a great time when they appear, and thus warns them that this is how the act goes.

That show was never meant to have "integrity" of any sort, and the GP is an idiot.

Comment Re:Can't find anything on Youtube anymore (Score 1) 78

and throws the concept of designing your own DVR out the window.

Tell that to the tiny PC I have hooked up to my TV that is better than any DVR equipment I've ever received from a cable or satellite provider, and has an equipment cost of $6/month for the CableCARD.

There are several spin-your-own-DVR solutions out there, you just have to play the game. No, you can't use YouTube as your DVR; and that's not "designing your own DVR" anyway.

Comment Re: wrong totally (Score 2) 275

I've never heard of a cable package with CNN not on basic cable. You usually get CNN, Fox, and MSNBC. Dish network, the company who we're allegedly talking about, has all 3 on their basic service.

Also, the bonus for doctor's offices and car dealerships doesn't account for the success of Fox's prime time shows. Fox News routinely blows out its competitors in prime time, a time at which most of those businesses are closed and viewers are watching at home.

The people still glued to their TV sets and cable television in the US in 2014 are very likely politically and educationally uniform.

Admittedly with no data to hand, the demographic who watches FOX as a source of news likely anti-intellectual, science-denying, god-fearing, economically disenfranchised, and socially regressive.

But even if I'm mistaken in my gross stereotype of the audience for FOX News, judging the "merits" of a TV network according to the size of the TV audience misses the forest for the trees which is that in 2014 the smart ones aren't really watching any cable TV at all.

One guess where those smart people are getting their news. (Hint: the Internet has many, many sources of information where even single individuals can reach millions of people pretty much in real time.)

Comment Re:What the fuck (Score 1) 221

Apparently convincing movie theaters not to show a bad movie that they probably didn't want to have to show anyway with a vague threat of violence after cracking Sony's network (yeah, like that hasn't been done before) makes you a superpower.

The theater chains were probably looking for any excuse not to show that thing but not get left out of the next Sony release they actually do want to screen. This way, Sony eats the shit sandwich rather than the theaters. Also known as "the way it should be if you make bad movies."

Comment Re:Solution is End Federal Ban (Score 1) 484

They would also now need to add Oregon and Alaska. And when even more of these laws pass, they would need to add them too. And don't forget medical use states - need an exemption for all of them too.

At the end of the day, you're just going to have a massive jumble-fuck of legalese that nobody understands. Just do away with the Federal blanket ban already and let States decide, since that's what is happening right now anyway.

Comment Re:"Legal Pot" is a total fiction (Score 1) 484

What could be interesting is what happens if the next President decides to enforce Federal law in Colorado / Washington / Oregon / Alaska, and if someone makes an 8th Amendment case saying it is "cruel and unusual" to enforce laws at the whim of the Executive.

That could be a precedent that causes repealing of a whole lot of so-called "blue laws" that go unenforced, or just ridiculous laws like Indiana declaring "The value of Pi is 3."

Well, if we're lucky.

Comment Re:Enforcing pot laws is big business (Score 2) 484

How is it hard to harass someone on drug charges, if they are not using or possessing drugs at the time of a police stop?

"Can I search your vehicle / bag?"

"Affording my constitutional rights, No."

Now the police either has to show a judge probable cause to get a warrant, or they let you go. So called "reasonable suspicion" doesn't even work because there has to be some form of evidence for that - if you don't have dilated pupils, slurred speech, or loss of coordination / balance they don't have that either.

Know your rights, and exercise them, and most cops don't get to play their cop games. If they do it anyway, you've got a nice legal settlement coming from the city / county / state.

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