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Comment Re:Bureaucratic Solutions (Score 1) 735

Slashdot has had this argument before. The main arguments against burying infrastructure are:
1) Maintenance. Every time something breaks, you have to dig up the problem. A sewer system for the entire country is not practical either.
2) The ground shifts frequently, especially in the temperate climates, which ups the chance of breakage.
3) Lots of underground animals who tend towards eating through stuff, which ups breakage too.
So no burying lines, it is too expensive.

Comment Re:Headers (Score 0) 562

To Godwin the thread,

        "First they came for the socialists,
        and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

        Then they came for the trade unionists,
        and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

        Then they came for the Jews,
        and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

        Then they came for me,
        and there was no one left to speak for me." -Martin NiemÃller (1892-1984), pulled from Wikiquotes

Comment Re:Does *any* industry start a new union anymore? (Score 1) 761

Yes, let us do that. To get the laws changed though, we'll need to organize... Oh wait, I guess we can't do organize, that would be groupthink. How do you expect to get these changes (as nebulously as you defined them) without working with others? If you don't gather like-minded individuals together and force the change, then the world isn't going to change.

Also, I think you are stupid for being a libertarian. I say that because I want you to feel my textual scorn. (Not that you will feel much, psychology shows we dismiss, out of hand, the opinions of people who disagree with us.) Great works require many hands. You libertarians advocate the destruction of what make humanity great.

Comment Re:roman_mir endorses human slavery (again) (Score 1) 866

Thank you AC. Udachny, look at the concept of company towns. (the wikipedia article isn't the greatest, but it is a good starting point) When companies are free of restraint, they use their power to oppress the workers. Oppression that requires the formation of unions, which I bet you aren't a fan.

Comment Re:Makes good points (Score 1) 866

Why is the fact that the public school system is failing the kids be a reason to demolish the system? Can you see no other option? Do you have any reasoning for your 'government bad, individual rights good' stance?

I believe that the world is made of of awful people. Awful people need to be kept in line, to limit the awfulness. Since the government is formed of soundbites of high ideals ("A chicken in every pot!"), some limitation occurs. Not much, for the government is made of people who are still awful, but at least they have to pretend.

Comment Re:Makes good points (Score 1) 866

I think you are incorrect in thinking that we don't need public schooling. Education is a requirement of civilization and the second we take education away, many kids will no longer receive any education at all. A good analogy is vaccinations. If vaccinations weren't required by law, how many would get them, especially with the anti crowd? The herd immunity would break down and we would be back to having plagues again.

  I also think that a basic science class should be added into your three R's, maybe Reasoning? What is the point of reading, if you can't think critically about it?

Comment Re:Only in the US (Score 1) 208

Really? That is all you have? Experts saying that the mining can cause health risks and ground water contamination, news articles stating that the water didn't start to burn till the fracking started, and a clear video of water on fire. People have been living in Dimock since the 1800s. Don't you think that, if they could light ground water on fire, they'd move? Jesus. Correlation does not equal causation does not mean that they are necessarily unrelated.

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