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Comment Re:Climate change phobia (Score 1) 341

Frankly, what are people so concerned about?

"I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure." - Agnt Smith, The Matrix

Comment Re:The FSF has failed (Score 1) 201

Permissive licences dont demand its users or developers behave a certain way, but that doesnt mean they dont wish its users and developers behave a certain way.

Its a greater gift if you give it freely, if you have to ask or demand something its not as special. Making some demands to achieve a greater good is how copyleft sees it.

I do vagually remember on the BSD developers complaing about the lack of financial support, but i guess each case is different.

Comment Re:The FSF has failed (Score 1) 201

That point is addressed in the Free Software Definition and any license containing said clause would not be considered Free.

Nothing last forever, the FSF will inovate or die, like everyhting else.

Its rediculous that the FSF is the biggest enabler of proprietary software companies, its sad that the community cant see its mistakes.

Comment Re:The FSF has failed (Score 3, Insightful) 201

Permissive open source licenses allow people to choose who they collaborate with and how much

Permissive open source licences allow freeloaders to choose if they should their modifications with the non-freeloaders who have already chosen to share with them.

Which is why the BSDs have had only limited success compared to GNU/Linux.

Comment Re:The FSF has failed (Score 1) 201

Apple has already done this for you, as GPL software is banned from the app store. How do you like that?

There is no value in trying to create a Free softwarte layer on top of a non-free platorm.

It would be deceptive if Apple where to allow GPL'ed software and give people only the illusion of freedom. Apple will never willingly give owners control of the hardware, so it is how it has to be.

Comment Re:The FSF has failed (Score 2) 201

The masses have spoken, and after weighing the costs of the walled garden (censorship etc) vs the benefits (no viruses), the masses have opted for safety with the added benefit of stores with trained staff to help them with any troubles they do run into.

People want independently QA'ed software, which is one of the roles Linux distributions provide.

If Apple could have continued using gcc, then it is likely LLVM/clang would never have had the success that it has.

LLVM/Clang is not a failure for the FSF, its a success for Apple.

There needs to be a copyleft licence that restricts distribution on the same medium as non-free software, without it we will lose the IoT as well.

Comment Failure (Score 4, Interesting) 201

We where onto a good thing, but we failed to adapt.

We failed to adapt to the commercial attacks that make closed source software the gatekeeper to software freedom.

We lost the mobile space, Android is full of crap software running on a Free kernel that hardly anyone can use freely.

Free software is free beer that corporations on-sell minus the libre.

Comment Re:A programmer arrested for © infringement? (Score 1) 188

Funny, but given the the massive scale of the criminal conspiracy which was perpetuated by the financial industry with re-packaging shitty debt

I wonder if any of those people use any microsoft programs to commit their crimes... perhaps we can get all the microsoft emplyees put in jail.

(but seriosuly, this is such a slippery slope i wouldnt even want that)

Comment Time (Score 1) 288

Time is how we measure change, its a property of an object, not an object itself.

For time to have a begining would mean a situation when nothing changed. Which suggests zero energy. So for time to have a beggining is to suggest energy can be created created.


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