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Journal Journal: welcome to the midwest 1

moving from redmond to uh.. North dakota is a bit of a change :)

See, I bought an old BMW a few years back because I liked the first one I had in college. (i bought that one because it was cheap and fast)I bought my wife a VW because almost nobody makes station wagons with a manual gearbox besides VW. And When i moved out here i needed a winter car, so i bought an old used Audi.

So, thats 3 german cars. My wife and I contribute roughly 50% of the imported car market for ND, as near as I can tell.

Who buys all these craptacular american cars that are usually fleet vehicles or rental cars in the rest of the world ? I mean, Civics and Camry's aren't even common out here - those are cheaper AND more reliable than this junk..

Also, if you live in a place that is regularly below freezing, and gets lots of snow.. please buy snow tires for your lame pickup truck. That way you wont spin your rear tires all the way across the intersection at 2mph.

One nice thing though. The house we just bought out here cost us half of what our house in Redmond cost. Screw property prices out there. It's just ridiculous.

Journal Journal: friends, foes, freaks, fans

want to see something funny ? look at the "fans" info for "John Carmack". His fans list could be like an HTML renderer perf benchmark :)

Now look at John's "Friends"

Now, look at John's "Freaks". Who are these people that insist they hate John Carmack ? Why would you hate John Carmack ?

User Journal

Journal Journal: If you read this.. 1

Reply with the following info:

What made you look at my user info page ?

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