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Comment Re:GTFO (Score 0) 61

Oh, I get that. But don't you think it's a little bit insulting that the only way they could make it interesting to Slashdot readers is to make references to bad 1970s sci-fi?

My problem is not with the new technology. My problem is that someone thinks we can only be interested via dumb fictional references.

Comment GTFO (Score 1) 61

The top two stories on Slashdot right now are a working Tricorder at SXSW and Boeing patenting "Star Wars Style Force Field Technology".

I get that it's "News for Nerds" but can we please try to appeal to a readership that doesn't think the holocaust is the name of the new VR headset from Samsung?

Comment Re:Spies are sneaky (Score 4, Insightful) 202

I am willing to accept the Risks to our safety so we can have our liberty.

I don't know where the fuck you been, but people have been saying that since the Patriot Act was rammed through congress and signed by Bush.

Take a look around you. People are over 9/11. They've internalized the fact that you're more likely to die of auto-erotic asphyxiation than by the hands of a terrorist. Hell, you're way more likely to be killed by a conceal/carry goofball who thinks more guns equals less crime or some half-bright "Oath Keeper" with more ammo than brains than you are by some Muslim extremist. People put up with the militarized barneys every fucking place because they've got fucking guns. But every time I fly or go to a basketball or hockey game, I hear plenty of voices say, in no uncertain terms, that this is bullshit and they're tired of this phony security theater. Yeah, we'll take the risk.

Further, they're also tired of the phony security theater that says that having a bunch of US military propping up a corrupt drug lord in Afghanistan or rattling sabers at anybody who represents a political inconvenience to Bibi Netanyahu is in any way keeping the US safer. People got the memo that the entire security/intelligence/military apparatus of the United States exists only to perpetuate itself. We haven't fought a war for US security or liberty in the lifetime of anyone alive today.

Maybe somewhere, there's some huddled neo-con think tank where they're quaking in their boots over every brown person who resides in an oil producing region, but other than that, yeah, we'll take the risk.

Comment Re:On being offended (Score 1) 765

They want government intervention to change the system for them.

Please give an example of how this story indicates a desire for "government intervention" to enforce a radical feminist agenda.

Otherwise, just stop whining. I can't stand a great big crying man baby. How were you raised that you have this problem with real meritocracy instead of just keeping your job because you've made the environment toxic for anyone but those who look and act just like you. Nobody's oppressing you. Nobody's censoring you. How pitiful you "men's rights activists" appear to the rest of the world. Act like a man, for chrissake.

Comment Re:turn-about isn't just fair-play, it's PROPER pl (Score 1) 765

I'd like to point out that I find your user name offensive. A good portion of this world is Roman Catholic and has great respect for Pope Benedict XIV and your name clearly is meant to offend those Catholics.

Not true. When I was growing up in Chicago's Little Italy neighborhood, I was the youngest (and smallest, at the time) of my cohort. Because of that, and because a movie starring Dustin Hoffman called "Midnight Cowboy" had recently been released (and we all snuck in to see it), I was given the nickname "Ratzo Rizzo". It stuck with me through high school.

The "Pope" part came from the fact that I was an altar boy at the time, and my friends liked to give me shit about it. First it was "Father" and then "Monsignor" and then, "Cardinal Ratzo" and finally, by the eighth grade, "Pope Ratzo".

The identification with the former Nazi youth Pope Benedict XIV was just a happy coincidence.

In summary, go fuck yourself, cuck.

Comment Re:On being offended (Score 1) 765

It would hurt a lot, as what you're suggesting leads to a planned economy, where some central planner decides who are the "deadwood" to be removed.

Wrong. It's the free market that's getting rid of the deadwood. The brogrammer evolutionary tree has proven to be a dead end. Even other male programmers don't want to be around dickheads with no self-respect.

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